this image contains text
reflexion re-flekshun, n. 1. reflection.
0uch! 2. in anatomy, etc., a bending or folding back on
itself, as of a part. 3. an artist in the well
known art group, emerge.
hey all you art freaks. if you want an ansee i like
jibberishs spelling: for FREE you can just call my
board, ionosphere at 9167229457. or you could write
me on lotu. i will accept money sent to my po box, but
i do not require it, although i may not do everyones
requests although I havent missed one yet!:
well.. the sysop i made this for didnt like it! he wanted somethinb bloody
and gory! i say shove it up your ass. if you dont like my style, dont
request something from me. i was just trying out a new font too. oh well
cut here with a very dull pocket knife
welp tried out a new font on this thing. i like it personally.
shit dude.. i already am finished with 2 ansis and the july pack isnt out yet.
welp neways heres da greets ansi completed on 5/28/95
any artists: would anyone be able to do me an ansi for my board? as of now im
drawing everything except endrigoth did me an ansi and 2 guys did me asciis. if
yer gonna do it call my bbs.. above. or on lotu
0uch! 2. in anatomy, etc., a bending or folding back on
itself, as of a part. 3. an artist in the well
known art group, emerge.
hey all you art freaks. if you want an ansee i like
jibberishs spelling: for FREE you can just call my
board, ionosphere at 9167229457. or you could write
me on lotu. i will accept money sent to my po box, but
i do not require it, although i may not do everyones
requests although I havent missed one yet!:
well.. the sysop i made this for didnt like it! he wanted somethinb bloody
and gory! i say shove it up your ass. if you dont like my style, dont
request something from me. i was just trying out a new font too. oh well
cut here with a very dull pocket knife
welp tried out a new font on this thing. i like it personally.
shit dude.. i already am finished with 2 ansis and the july pack isnt out yet.
welp neways heres da greets ansi completed on 5/28/95
any artists: would anyone be able to do me an ansi for my board? as of now im
drawing everything except endrigoth did me an ansi and 2 guys did me asciis. if
yer gonna do it call my bbs.. above. or on lotu
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