this image contains text
colly under construction
:: yah ure welcome again
:: to another
:: ascii colly designed by
......................................: yah, y0 find tha n./
:: done for
:: and called........,,
Hello everybody. ::
Ive not released from some time.. i mean two months or something
but im submiting this ascii colly at midnight of 4/2/2000 *whow,
the first colly of the millenium* and i need to release this ::
colly today, *dont wanna wait till next month : u know*... so::
there are no guests of any kind *humf*. ::
eahueauhauheauheuaheuahe . ::
Greets. ::
Acid Brain - equate!ascii::
........................................................ aRGENTiNa.::
i n d e x ...... ::
:: n says requested by
:: *1* udm .......... rave-n
:: *2* udm .......... rave-n
:: *3* compo ........ dont know
:: *4* rosee ........ rosee
:: *5* datura ....... panoramix
:: *6* cgi-bin ...... rave-n?
:: *7* public ....... rave-n?
:: *8* tha pic ...... acid brain
:: *9* -pic- ........ equate!ascii
. mmmm//---------mmmmmmmmmm/mmmmmm
/ says..-------- /
// sAFARi uDm
u /--------/ /--/
n / //
k // / /--
n / / /
o /
w :
n :.................................
. d . :
m * 2Tb Online .
e * Only o - 5 Dayz fresh.warez.................:
n * Sponsored by sludge::
x * waw, waw ::
t * f t p . u d m . c o:m . a r
i ::
o ::
n ::
/ says..-------- /
// sAFARi uDm
: / / / unknown d menxion
supporting argie scene :
/ Ab!pp.asc +o rave-n :
compo :
/ says..-------- /
// sAFARi cOMPo
/ says..-------- /
// sAFARi rOSEe
/: / : / r o s e e :
t h e f l a s h 2 k /--------/ /
g f x e n t r i e s i n d e x e r /-----/
/ says..-------- /
// sAFARi dATURa
:..........................d.a.t.u.r.a... /
:: Ab
/ says..-------- /
// sAFARi cGI-BIn
: Ab!
/ says..-------- /
// sAFARi pUBLIc
public : Ab!
/o / . .
oK, greets goes to: equate!arts crew *special to equate!ascii:
and of course to arlequin biomemo daemon darkman essab excess:fidel
fugitivo george karak koza larry madbit mephisto
murk nonsense panoramix pesho ponchan rave-n rosee
sludge spektor talo tosko tresx uctumi unabomber
wendigo ... and all the argentine scene.huah...
:: eof:::
.sorry for the 25m delay.
:: yah ure welcome again
:: to another
:: ascii colly designed by
......................................: yah, y0 find tha n./
:: done for
:: and called........,,
Hello everybody. ::
Ive not released from some time.. i mean two months or something
but im submiting this ascii colly at midnight of 4/2/2000 *whow,
the first colly of the millenium* and i need to release this ::
colly today, *dont wanna wait till next month : u know*... so::
there are no guests of any kind *humf*. ::
eahueauhauheauheuaheuahe . ::
Greets. ::
Acid Brain - equate!ascii::
........................................................ aRGENTiNa.::
i n d e x ...... ::
:: n says requested by
:: *1* udm .......... rave-n
:: *2* udm .......... rave-n
:: *3* compo ........ dont know
:: *4* rosee ........ rosee
:: *5* datura ....... panoramix
:: *6* cgi-bin ...... rave-n?
:: *7* public ....... rave-n?
:: *8* tha pic ...... acid brain
:: *9* -pic- ........ equate!ascii
. mmmm//---------mmmmmmmmmm/mmmmmm
/ says..-------- /
// sAFARi uDm
u /--------/ /--/
n / //
k // / /--
n / / /
o /
w :
n :.................................
. d . :
m * 2Tb Online .
e * Only o - 5 Dayz fresh.warez.................:
n * Sponsored by sludge::
x * waw, waw ::
t * f t p . u d m . c o:m . a r
i ::
o ::
n ::
/ says..-------- /
// sAFARi uDm
: / / / unknown d menxion
supporting argie scene :
/ Ab!pp.asc +o rave-n :
compo :
/ says..-------- /
// sAFARi cOMPo
/ says..-------- /
// sAFARi rOSEe
/: / : / r o s e e :
t h e f l a s h 2 k /--------/ /
g f x e n t r i e s i n d e x e r /-----/
/ says..-------- /
// sAFARi dATURa
:..........................d.a.t.u.r.a... /
:: Ab
/ says..-------- /
// sAFARi cGI-BIn
: Ab!
/ says..-------- /
// sAFARi pUBLIc
public : Ab!
/o / . .
oK, greets goes to: equate!arts crew *special to equate!ascii:
and of course to arlequin biomemo daemon darkman essab excess:fidel
fugitivo george karak koza larry madbit mephisto
murk nonsense panoramix pesho ponchan rave-n rosee
sludge spektor talo tosko tresx uctumi unabomber
wendigo ... and all the argentine scene.huah...
:: eof:::
.sorry for the 25m delay.
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