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So here it is.. ANSi
from the third ESP pack
and still going and g
oing and going and going
Disses to: Energizer and D
uracell - I hate all of
your fucking commerci
als and I still dont buy your
crap-ass batteries! T
HEY SUCK and so does Static!
OoOoOoh! Its another smooth ANSi by
eaSTeRN SeaBoaRD PiRaTeS
from the third ESP pack
and still going and g
oing and going and going
Disses to: Energizer and D
uracell - I hate all of
your fucking commerci
als and I still dont buy your
crap-ass batteries! T
HEY SUCK and so does Static!
OoOoOoh! Its another smooth ANSi by
eaSTeRN SeaBoaRD PiRaTeS
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