this image contains text
bonjour again!
the compo has come to an end!.. one week, lots of stress
and a sucking winner guess ! later were finaly here
with the official results of the first expose compo.
o1 139 12dirt bag / expose
o2 134 o7kenetic / expose
o3 121 o8xtinct / expose
o4 1o3 13silence / expose
o5 97 o4pino / fade
o6 95 o3deadline / efc
o7 94 o5shizzl / expose
o8 88 o1exocet / expose
o9 90 1omnemonix / expose
1o 74 o9rythem / expose
11 73 14gloomy / fuse
12 71 o6gday / rbi
13 54 15gec / cot
14 54 11noise damper / expose
15 32 o2coyote / interior
artist name / group
ansi number in voting pack
number of points
divider :
place ended
1e* 2e* 3e* 4e* 5e* 6e* 7e* 8e* 9e* 10e*
o1 o3/13 o6/1o 15/o1 14/o2 12/o4 o6/1o o8/o8 11/o5 o3/13 o6/1o 15/o1 88
o2 o8/o8 o3/13 o2/14 o4/12 o1/15 o5/11 o3/13 o1/15 o1/15 o3/13 o1/15 32
o3 1o/o6 o8/o8 o4/12 11/o5 o6/1o o9/o7 o7/o9 o8/o8 15/o1 15/o1 o2/14 95
o4 o5/11 14/o2 11/o5 10/o6 o7/o9 13/o3 o5/11 o9/o7 o5/11 o8/o8 1o/o6 97
o5 11/o5 o4/12 o8/o8 o5/11 13/o3 10/o6 o9/o7 o7/o9 11/o5 1o/o6 o6/1o 94
o6 14/o2 o1/15 o1/15 o9/o7 o3/13 o3/13 15/o1 o5/11 o7/o9 o1/15 12/o4 71
o7 15/o1 10/o6 14/o2 13/o3 14/o2 o8/o8 13/o3 12/o4 14/o2 o7/o9 14/o2 134
o8 13/o3 o9/o7 o6/1o 12/o4 11/o5 15/o1 14/o2 13/o3 o6/1o 13/o3 o9/o7 121
o9 o1/15 15/o1 13/o3 o3/13 10/o6 o2/14 o1/15 1o/o6 1o/o6 o4/12 o5/11 74
1o o4/12 o7/o9 12/o4 o6/1o o9/o7 o7/o9 10/o6 o6/1o 13/o3 12/o4 o4/12 90
11 o2/14 o5/11 o7/o9 o1/15 o4/12 o1/15 11/o5 o4/12 o9/o7 o2/14 o8/o8 54
12 12/o4 12/o4 o9/o7 15/o1 15/o1 14/o2 12/o4 14/o2 12/o4 11/o5 13/o3 139
13 o9/o7 13/o3 10/o6 o2/14 o5/11 12/o4 o4/12 15/o1 o8/o8 14/o2 11/o5 1o3
14 o7/o9 11/o5 o5/11 o8/o8 o8/o8 o4/12 o6/1o o2/14 o4/12 o5/11 o3/13 73
15 o6/1o o2/14 o3/13 o7/o9 o2/14 11/o5 o2/14 o3/13 o2/14 o9/o7 o7/o9 54
place ended total points
points given by judge
ansi number in voting pack * judge number
to check who is who!.. take
a look at the top list! and
compare the 2 numbers e.g
numero 12 g-day / rbi
before i show you all the competing ansis i wanna show you an ansi of
MIRAGE. due a human mistake MY mistake.... am i human? did the ansi
of mirage not arrive in the voting pack which was delivered to all jury
members. DAMN i suck!..
well here he his! please vote for yourself and place him somewhere in
the ansi list
- signed db
place : ?? by : mirage / hypnotix - .ans
okay! .. now let we take a look at the ansis which were IN the compo
top ansi is numero uno, lowest ansi became 15th...
place : 01 by : Dirt bag / expose ansi012.ans
s e l f p o r t r a i t !
place : 02 by : kentic / expose ansi007.ans
Welcome to my contribution for the expose- ,sS
compo! Finally theres a compo with not dP
only music, coding and ansi, but also ASCII ll
newskool. Finally we ascii artists can b, ,gdSgdSbs,
show our talents ?? Vote fairly and may b, ,d
the best one win... Dopei!... ,sdd
- - yg yygsy,
.,,,,,,.b, ... ,g@Sb ,sdSSby,
,sS Ss,P d:l
ll db ,d sdS +ySbsT
b.. .,,,..sSSs. ,dSSs.lgyd
: ,yygyy, + . +.sSSs.l db l ,dSbs,ldgb.l.:
dP,ss, TSbs,Tl db ,b,.,dP l : lb,.,dP
l Tl: TP lb l TP ,dSs.l d : l
Tb,b,..,d,l . l Tbs,.,s,l :l l bs,.,s
TKNbs, Tb,.,d. P l T,Ss,
- . . ,dlbgygdSl+ -
place : 03 by : xtinct / expose ansi008.ans
place : 04 by : silence / expose ansi013.ans
some fast shitty logo
had to come up with something
it looks a bit nice in vga expose compo I c 1997
place : 05 by : pino / expose ansi005.ans
Remember, its not a feeling. Its an ansi!
place : 06 by : deadline / expose ansi004.ans
:: b. .d : :d s
: b. .d
SsasS:Ssas7 sasS:::::SsasS
-------- 3dstudiophongilluminatedspherev2.0:
oo uunn aazzkkiiee ppoouurr llaa
kzeg bwap hier. ..
BWAP! zo dat was sgrikke eh?
achwelzwiekerstjmz, deze ..
--------------- ----------- - -- ----------------- - ------ die kant op! ha!
place : 07 by : shizzl / expose ansi005.ans
tha artcore SCENE rulz...
place : 08 by : exocet / expose ansi001.ans
View this ansi with ALT-V
place : 09 by : mnemonix / expose ansi010.ans
Opzij MOSSEL! Dit is de ..
24 phro lines
place : 10 by : rythem / dtn ansi009.ans
place : 11 by : gloomy / fuse ansi014.ans
If god didnt make a
There wasnt a
If there wasnt a
There wasnt
the expose compo!
place : 12 by : g-day / rbi ansi006.ans
,d ..,,,sssssssssssssssxpoxpoxpob.
,a sssssssssssssssxpoxpoxpo
p , a .,, , xpoxpo
p , xcompoentry ,d ,-, ,
b -,..- ,,...,agdp d, b,,...,,
, ,. ..,,,, qp qp
,. b, , d p.,,, , ,.. d ,
b b ,d d ..,, i, .d ,,.. i
. !,, s.c.e.n.e q. ,, qp i
g b ,d q p p d .,. i , .,. b i
p p qb, .,d ,, i ,, i
p ,, aad d , b i .,.q
p ,.,b, . d , i dp b,,
.,-dxpoxpo-,.,- i! i p ,xpoxpo
b,dxpoxpoxpoxpoxpo d i ,xpoxpoxpo
xpoxpoxpoxpoxpoxpoxpoxpoxpoxpo ,b i dxpoxpoxpoxpo
chn11Jeez.. I am a musician actuallysCENETv
and no artist.. so.. uhm.. good try?
place : 13 by : gec / cot ansi015.ans
place : 14 by : nd / expose ansi011.ans
Ansi?..back in the scene?
Was ut weg dan? hehehe / .
place : 15 by : coyote / int ansi002.ans
hey dudes... -
deze ani is creted voor de -
- EXPOSE COMPO - in de hoOp -
niet laatste te worden...!?
end of ansis
bonjour again!
the compo has come to an end!.. one week, lots of stress
and a sucking winner guess ! later were finaly here
with the official results of the first expose compo.
o1 139 12dirt bag / expose
o2 134 o7kenetic / expose
o3 121 o8xtinct / expose
o4 1o3 13silence / expose
o5 97 o4pino / fade
o6 95 o3deadline / efc
o7 94 o5shizzl / expose
o8 88 o1exocet / expose
o9 90 1omnemonix / expose
1o 74 o9rythem / expose
11 73 14gloomy / fuse
12 71 o6gday / rbi
13 54 15gec / cot
14 54 11noise damper / expose
15 32 o2coyote / interior
artist name / group
ansi number in voting pack
number of points
divider :
place ended
1e* 2e* 3e* 4e* 5e* 6e* 7e* 8e* 9e* 10e*
o1 o3/13 o6/1o 15/o1 14/o2 12/o4 o6/1o o8/o8 11/o5 o3/13 o6/1o 15/o1 88
o2 o8/o8 o3/13 o2/14 o4/12 o1/15 o5/11 o3/13 o1/15 o1/15 o3/13 o1/15 32
o3 1o/o6 o8/o8 o4/12 11/o5 o6/1o o9/o7 o7/o9 o8/o8 15/o1 15/o1 o2/14 95
o4 o5/11 14/o2 11/o5 10/o6 o7/o9 13/o3 o5/11 o9/o7 o5/11 o8/o8 1o/o6 97
o5 11/o5 o4/12 o8/o8 o5/11 13/o3 10/o6 o9/o7 o7/o9 11/o5 1o/o6 o6/1o 94
o6 14/o2 o1/15 o1/15 o9/o7 o3/13 o3/13 15/o1 o5/11 o7/o9 o1/15 12/o4 71
o7 15/o1 10/o6 14/o2 13/o3 14/o2 o8/o8 13/o3 12/o4 14/o2 o7/o9 14/o2 134
o8 13/o3 o9/o7 o6/1o 12/o4 11/o5 15/o1 14/o2 13/o3 o6/1o 13/o3 o9/o7 121
o9 o1/15 15/o1 13/o3 o3/13 10/o6 o2/14 o1/15 1o/o6 1o/o6 o4/12 o5/11 74
1o o4/12 o7/o9 12/o4 o6/1o o9/o7 o7/o9 10/o6 o6/1o 13/o3 12/o4 o4/12 90
11 o2/14 o5/11 o7/o9 o1/15 o4/12 o1/15 11/o5 o4/12 o9/o7 o2/14 o8/o8 54
12 12/o4 12/o4 o9/o7 15/o1 15/o1 14/o2 12/o4 14/o2 12/o4 11/o5 13/o3 139
13 o9/o7 13/o3 10/o6 o2/14 o5/11 12/o4 o4/12 15/o1 o8/o8 14/o2 11/o5 1o3
14 o7/o9 11/o5 o5/11 o8/o8 o8/o8 o4/12 o6/1o o2/14 o4/12 o5/11 o3/13 73
15 o6/1o o2/14 o3/13 o7/o9 o2/14 11/o5 o2/14 o3/13 o2/14 o9/o7 o7/o9 54
place ended total points
points given by judge
ansi number in voting pack * judge number
to check who is who!.. take
a look at the top list! and
compare the 2 numbers e.g
numero 12 g-day / rbi
before i show you all the competing ansis i wanna show you an ansi of
MIRAGE. due a human mistake MY mistake.... am i human? did the ansi
of mirage not arrive in the voting pack which was delivered to all jury
members. DAMN i suck!..
well here he his! please vote for yourself and place him somewhere in
the ansi list
- signed db
place : ?? by : mirage / hypnotix - .ans
okay! .. now let we take a look at the ansis which were IN the compo
top ansi is numero uno, lowest ansi became 15th...
place : 01 by : Dirt bag / expose ansi012.ans
s e l f p o r t r a i t !
place : 02 by : kentic / expose ansi007.ans
Welcome to my contribution for the expose- ,sS
compo! Finally theres a compo with not dP
only music, coding and ansi, but also ASCII ll
newskool. Finally we ascii artists can b, ,gdSgdSbs,
show our talents ?? Vote fairly and may b, ,d
the best one win... Dopei!... ,sdd
- - yg yygsy,
.,,,,,,.b, ... ,g@Sb ,sdSSby,
,sS Ss,P d:l
ll db ,d sdS +ySbsT
b.. .,,,..sSSs. ,dSSs.lgyd
: ,yygyy, + . +.sSSs.l db l ,dSbs,ldgb.l.:
dP,ss, TSbs,Tl db ,b,.,dP l : lb,.,dP
l Tl: TP lb l TP ,dSs.l d : l
Tb,b,..,d,l . l Tbs,.,s,l :l l bs,.,s
TKNbs, Tb,.,d. P l T,Ss,
- . . ,dlbgygdSl+ -
place : 03 by : xtinct / expose ansi008.ans
place : 04 by : silence / expose ansi013.ans
some fast shitty logo
had to come up with something
it looks a bit nice in vga expose compo I c 1997
place : 05 by : pino / expose ansi005.ans
Remember, its not a feeling. Its an ansi!
place : 06 by : deadline / expose ansi004.ans
:: b. .d : :d s
: b. .d
SsasS:Ssas7 sasS:::::SsasS
-------- 3dstudiophongilluminatedspherev2.0:
oo uunn aazzkkiiee ppoouurr llaa
kzeg bwap hier. ..
BWAP! zo dat was sgrikke eh?
achwelzwiekerstjmz, deze ..
--------------- ----------- - -- ----------------- - ------ die kant op! ha!
place : 07 by : shizzl / expose ansi005.ans
tha artcore SCENE rulz...
place : 08 by : exocet / expose ansi001.ans
View this ansi with ALT-V
place : 09 by : mnemonix / expose ansi010.ans
Opzij MOSSEL! Dit is de ..
24 phro lines
place : 10 by : rythem / dtn ansi009.ans
place : 11 by : gloomy / fuse ansi014.ans
If god didnt make a
There wasnt a
If there wasnt a
There wasnt
the expose compo!
place : 12 by : g-day / rbi ansi006.ans
,d ..,,,sssssssssssssssxpoxpoxpob.
,a sssssssssssssssxpoxpoxpo
p , a .,, , xpoxpo
p , xcompoentry ,d ,-, ,
b -,..- ,,...,agdp d, b,,...,,
, ,. ..,,,, qp qp
,. b, , d p.,,, , ,.. d ,
b b ,d d ..,, i, .d ,,.. i
. !,, s.c.e.n.e q. ,, qp i
g b ,d q p p d .,. i , .,. b i
p p qb, .,d ,, i ,, i
p ,, aad d , b i .,.q
p ,.,b, . d , i dp b,,
.,-dxpoxpo-,.,- i! i p ,xpoxpo
b,dxpoxpoxpoxpoxpo d i ,xpoxpoxpo
xpoxpoxpoxpoxpoxpoxpoxpoxpoxpo ,b i dxpoxpoxpoxpo
chn11Jeez.. I am a musician actuallysCENETv
and no artist.. so.. uhm.. good try?
place : 13 by : gec / cot ansi015.ans
place : 14 by : nd / expose ansi011.ans
Ansi?..back in the scene?
Was ut weg dan? hehehe / .
place : 15 by : coyote / int ansi002.ans
hey dudes... -
deze ani is creted voor de -
- EXPOSE COMPO - in de hoOp -
niet laatste te worden...!?
end of ansis
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