this image contains text
1oo oRiGiNAl bY pUSSYlOVErf!dlm
pl hi dEWDz ..
this is ma logo cluster for
this pack... hope u like it !!
proposals, critics and gOOd
ideas send to our whq :
fACt! WHQ - +49.6196.758029
+--- opium logo - rulez:! --------------------------------------------------+
oPiUM thE flOWEr oF pOWEr
+--- stcm logo requested --------------------------------------------------+
sAChSENhAUSEn - tORtillA - chiP - mASSACkEr
+--- a nice password prompt :! ---------------------------------------------+
a nice pw prompt by me, pussylover !! this was origially dun for a mft ppe, but
since malfunction is dead !!! i release this under fACt! !! feel free to use
it wherever u want - but pliez leave the pl and if u are kewl, mail me : !!
ok.. till next time..c!ya.
pl hi dEWDz ..
this is ma logo cluster for
this pack... hope u like it !!
proposals, critics and gOOd
ideas send to our whq :
fACt! WHQ - +49.6196.758029
+--- opium logo - rulez:! --------------------------------------------------+
oPiUM thE flOWEr oF pOWEr
+--- stcm logo requested --------------------------------------------------+
sAChSENhAUSEn - tORtillA - chiP - mASSACkEr
+--- a nice password prompt :! ---------------------------------------------+
a nice pw prompt by me, pussylover !! this was origially dun for a mft ppe, but
since malfunction is dead !!! i release this under fACt! !! feel free to use
it wherever u want - but pliez leave the pl and if u are kewl, mail me : !!
ok.. till next time..c!ya.
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