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p r o j e c t a a r d v a r k
a f i r e d i v i s i o n
n e w s l e t t e r by panacea.
Hello! Welcome to the first Project Aardvark
newsletter, hosted by me, Project Aardvarks
coordinator/president! Halaster runs Fire,
while I run a division named after his role model.
Thats what I get after Ive been in Fire for 7 months. I
dont understand why he put me in control of this stupid and
pointless division. We dont even do anything. Maybe its some cruel
hoax that Halaster gave me so that I dont bother him to be a senior
anymore, as if this is better than a position as a senior.
What does being a senior give you, anyway? You just get to answer
peoples questions and produce more art. I guess being a Fire Coordinator
is just as important as being a senior, and with half the work! Ha!
I pity you Fractal, God among Lice, Maxwell and all you other seniors.
See, theyre so worthless that I dont even remember all their names.
Ill get all the recognition they do and I will be able to just sit here
doing nothing while them seniors work away.
Actually, this division might actually do something! Why would Halaster
create a group that did nothing? Maybe he did, maybe he didnt. Maybe
you should ask him for me, I have no idea what Im doing here.
Now for the real news!
03/20/96 - Beginning of Project Aardvark, which was introduced to
Halaster with great approval. The projected wasnt named yet,
it was merely an anonymous idea.
04/21/96 - Project Aardvark, still without a name, is introduced to
Maxwell. Maxwell is so flabbergasted by the idea he immediately
joins up with the project to help it do stuff.
Maxwell becomes the second member of Project Aardvark
04/26/96 - Operation Aardvark created officially, with Lord Cracker and
God among Lice joining up to create even more stuff!
God among Lice becomes the third member of Project Aardvark
Lord Cracker becomes the fourth member of Project Aardvark
04/27/96 - God among Lice and Panacea decide that Project Aardvark sounds
better than Operation Aardvark and the name is officially
changed. Halaster agrees, saying that the old name was really
really dumb because it quite like Operation K0w, which Panacea
and God among Lice hadnt even heard of. Now they are
familiar with it.
m e m b e r l i s t
join date description of what they do
panacea 03/20/96 runs the division
maxwell 04/21/96 raises division morale
god among lice 04/26/96 illustrates for division projects
lord cracker 04/26/96 answers division questions
halaster n/a! oversees division politics
33sll1wu0y 0dkr4vdr44tc3j0rps30dt4hw
a f i r e d i v i s i o n
n e w s l e t t e r by panacea.
Hello! Welcome to the first Project Aardvark
newsletter, hosted by me, Project Aardvarks
coordinator/president! Halaster runs Fire,
while I run a division named after his role model.
Thats what I get after Ive been in Fire for 7 months. I
dont understand why he put me in control of this stupid and
pointless division. We dont even do anything. Maybe its some cruel
hoax that Halaster gave me so that I dont bother him to be a senior
anymore, as if this is better than a position as a senior.
What does being a senior give you, anyway? You just get to answer
peoples questions and produce more art. I guess being a Fire Coordinator
is just as important as being a senior, and with half the work! Ha!
I pity you Fractal, God among Lice, Maxwell and all you other seniors.
See, theyre so worthless that I dont even remember all their names.
Ill get all the recognition they do and I will be able to just sit here
doing nothing while them seniors work away.
Actually, this division might actually do something! Why would Halaster
create a group that did nothing? Maybe he did, maybe he didnt. Maybe
you should ask him for me, I have no idea what Im doing here.
Now for the real news!
03/20/96 - Beginning of Project Aardvark, which was introduced to
Halaster with great approval. The projected wasnt named yet,
it was merely an anonymous idea.
04/21/96 - Project Aardvark, still without a name, is introduced to
Maxwell. Maxwell is so flabbergasted by the idea he immediately
joins up with the project to help it do stuff.
Maxwell becomes the second member of Project Aardvark
04/26/96 - Operation Aardvark created officially, with Lord Cracker and
God among Lice joining up to create even more stuff!
God among Lice becomes the third member of Project Aardvark
Lord Cracker becomes the fourth member of Project Aardvark
04/27/96 - God among Lice and Panacea decide that Project Aardvark sounds
better than Operation Aardvark and the name is officially
changed. Halaster agrees, saying that the old name was really
really dumb because it quite like Operation K0w, which Panacea
and God among Lice hadnt even heard of. Now they are
familiar with it.
m e m b e r l i s t
join date description of what they do
panacea 03/20/96 runs the division
maxwell 04/21/96 raises division morale
god among lice 04/26/96 illustrates for division projects
lord cracker 04/26/96 answers division questions
halaster n/a! oversees division politics
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