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dEvs vIEWEr aNSi sPECIAl cOLLy nUMBAh 3 - fLAnGe pRoDuCtioNs 1998
These are the logos i did for the viewer we where going to make but the coder
mystical shadow ran into some trouble and couldnt code the viewer anymore. So
if your a good coder and would like to code us a viewer we would be more than
happy to give you top axs on all of our distros including THEDRAIN and we wouldmake sure you get the credit in our next news artical. SILVERHAND could maybee do the viewer. So for this pack we have simple put in the famous ACIDVIEW for
you to use and hopefully we will have FLANGEVIEW going for the next pack.
39 LiNeS oF LoGoS tO thE maX fLAnGe pRoDuCtioNs 1998
These are the logos i did for the viewer we where going to make but the coder
mystical shadow ran into some trouble and couldnt code the viewer anymore. So
if your a good coder and would like to code us a viewer we would be more than
happy to give you top axs on all of our distros including THEDRAIN and we wouldmake sure you get the credit in our next news artical. SILVERHAND could maybee do the viewer. So for this pack we have simple put in the famous ACIDVIEW for
you to use and hopefully we will have FLANGEVIEW going for the next pack.
39 LiNeS oF LoGoS tO thE maX fLAnGe pRoDuCtioNs 1998
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