this image contains text
j b. . *aSS/a. Shrimp Foliage
S* .,p d Sg,. *//. -WHOLEtype
* .,P a. .,dS/g. //a.
P .,gb,.?**/!. . //a,. 1 ./b .*p, 1l.?. */1 :. -. 1 ,* .,d ?/. */Sjb. //. 1 :1 .,gS /Sg. ?b. ?l d* .i .j* ,db ?.
P :1 ,d jl .,d j/b.P .P ,dl . ?b. . .,g* ,g1 .aa. 1:1 :1 a,. //,. P ...
1 /,. */S/. /. .P .,gS ,b. 7/. ,. ?Sbd . .P ,db. ? jP ,djS/***Sj1 11 D ljS* ,d1 .1* //. b. ?P .,j* .dP ,gSSg. //. 1: .jS* , b. // 1/ 11 1d 1 *//. l: 1l. l d . /b,. */ 1* ,d ,P ,d. */S/a P ,1P ,j* P ,da,. ?P . , .* , . ? Aphid ,d .1l l .,gSb,. :b. ,d .,ab. *, /!a1b. .dSSSa. . */SIt abstractly says APHI. The coloring is gay, and so is the rest of this font.Then again, its an ASCII, its not SUPPOSED to look nice. Fuck it, ANSI looks
so much better than ASCII. It is much more fun to draw, too.
S* .,p d Sg,. *//. -WHOLEtype
* .,P a. .,dS/g. //a.
P .,gb,.?**/!. . //a,. 1 ./b .*p, 1l.?. */1 :. -. 1 ,* .,d ?/. */Sjb. //. 1 :1 .,gS /Sg. ?b. ?l d* .i .j* ,db ?.
P :1 ,d jl .,d j/b.P .P ,dl . ?b. . .,g* ,g1 .aa. 1:1 :1 a,. //,. P ...
1 /,. */S/. /. .P .,gS ,b. 7/. ,. ?Sbd . .P ,db. ? jP ,djS/***Sj1 11 D ljS* ,d1 .1* //. b. ?P .,j* .dP ,gSSg. //. 1: .jS* , b. // 1/ 11 1d 1 *//. l: 1l. l d . /b,. */ 1* ,d ,P ,d. */S/a P ,1P ,j* P ,da,. ?P . , .* , . ? Aphid ,d .1l l .,gSb,. :b. ,d .,ab. *, /!a1b. .dSSSa. . */SIt abstractly says APHI. The coloring is gay, and so is the rest of this font.Then again, its an ASCII, its not SUPPOSED to look nice. Fuck it, ANSI looks
so much better than ASCII. It is much more fun to draw, too.
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