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P R o D u C T i oN S
9 9
JuLY ReLeaSe 22!
Weve gt the summertim blues!
Tales from the FLiP Side
Welcome to another FLiP pack...sorry for the delay, Ive been pretty
much busy all month, coming back from a little vacation in Kentucky a couple
of days ago. Anyways, everything here in FLiP is fine. If you notice, we
have a good number of music releases this month, which actually came as sort
of a surprise. The deadline for MC4 Music Contest 4 was on July 15, and I
didnt expect many music releases this month due to the fact that several
members joined the competition. Imagine, how surprised I was when I found
a lot of music for the pack.
Music has been a big part of FLiP since it was started by Wolfgang
Krauser a year and a half ago dont worry, hes busy...but still alive.
Last year we had over 50 music releases, and at a little past the halfway
point in the year, we are well on our way to doing another great performance.
If you havent really checked out the music done by a lot of the members, you
are definitely missing out. And the musicians arent even limited to a single
musical genre either. Whether it be hard core techno, acid, house, jazz, new
age, rock, orchestral, or some abstract avant garde tracks, FLiP musicians have
been trying to cover all bases. That is what FLiP stood for in the beginning:
to be able to introduce art of all types of media through the community.
FLiP has been doing all types of art from ansi, ascii, vga, lit, music,
code, modding, and will continue to expand its horizons as we mature. If you
think you have the potential to contribute to our growing group, dont hesitate
to fill out the appgen and send it to me or Entropic Doom.
This month we welcome Buffalo as a new courier. He is also a sysop of
our distro site, Ice. We hope he enjoys his new position as a member of FLiP
and has a lot of fun. Also our ftp site is finally up:
Its still under a bit of contruction, so wait a little while and itll be cool.Oh yeah... this month we also welcome Physco as a new courier as well. Ummmm,
as you may notice, the member has been reworked a little over the last few
months. If you notice some mistakes please contact me or Catastrophe and well
set things right G... In any case, enjoy the pack while I go back outside
to the sunshine
Dinugz FLiP Music/Lit/Senior
P R o D u C T i oN S
9 9
JuLY ReLeaSe 22!
Weve gt the summertim blues!
Tales from the FLiP Side
Welcome to another FLiP pack...sorry for the delay, Ive been pretty
much busy all month, coming back from a little vacation in Kentucky a couple
of days ago. Anyways, everything here in FLiP is fine. If you notice, we
have a good number of music releases this month, which actually came as sort
of a surprise. The deadline for MC4 Music Contest 4 was on July 15, and I
didnt expect many music releases this month due to the fact that several
members joined the competition. Imagine, how surprised I was when I found
a lot of music for the pack.
Music has been a big part of FLiP since it was started by Wolfgang
Krauser a year and a half ago dont worry, hes busy...but still alive.
Last year we had over 50 music releases, and at a little past the halfway
point in the year, we are well on our way to doing another great performance.
If you havent really checked out the music done by a lot of the members, you
are definitely missing out. And the musicians arent even limited to a single
musical genre either. Whether it be hard core techno, acid, house, jazz, new
age, rock, orchestral, or some abstract avant garde tracks, FLiP musicians have
been trying to cover all bases. That is what FLiP stood for in the beginning:
to be able to introduce art of all types of media through the community.
FLiP has been doing all types of art from ansi, ascii, vga, lit, music,
code, modding, and will continue to expand its horizons as we mature. If you
think you have the potential to contribute to our growing group, dont hesitate
to fill out the appgen and send it to me or Entropic Doom.
This month we welcome Buffalo as a new courier. He is also a sysop of
our distro site, Ice. We hope he enjoys his new position as a member of FLiP
and has a lot of fun. Also our ftp site is finally up:
Its still under a bit of contruction, so wait a little while and itll be cool.Oh yeah... this month we also welcome Physco as a new courier as well. Ummmm,
as you may notice, the member has been reworked a little over the last few
months. If you notice some mistakes please contact me or Catastrophe and well
set things right G... In any case, enjoy the pack while I go back outside
to the sunshine
Dinugz FLiP Music/Lit/Senior
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