this image contains text
Futile Newz
Part 1 by Whodini FUTiLE/VORPiL
Dear Mom,
Welp, after a Wig release, 1000 flames, and disco.. here is the Futile
packet. Omot and I have been putn Futile on our ansis, so I figured Id just
put in some junk about where we all got started from.
It all started when I had sex with ostscouts mother. Out pooped
Ostscout.... Ooops.. wrong story.
It all started when I was actually publishing my lit. Echo, Totemo,
and I were all together in a group called PaGE People and Gods Endowed that
was a lit-only group. Welp, the lit scene started to grow right after we were
formed, and the scene was flooded with insane-wannabe poetry. Echo decided to
pack up his lit bags. I lose contact with Totemo. That Leaves me. On the otherside we have TUBE. Run by the ever-famous Omot. His group, much like mine,
had only one working member.. Him. So, I talked to him on the phone, and we
decided to be elite and merge. After a few names.. Boom.. FUTiLE is born. Ok,
so all the people who thought they were in TUBE come into FUTiLE, and Omot and Itell them they either do some shit, or boom. I think thats about that same timethe group quickly grew to 2 members. Omot and I. I decided that the lit scene
was a peice of dog shit, 2-3 groups were pumping out decent lit. The rest was
crap. I had worked on Ansi before, and gotten good at it, just never really
followed it up because of lack of time. I was a Hack/Phreack person, along witha lit person. I couldnt just say Hey, lets do ansi also!, Id produce the
same shit that was goin out in the lit scene if I tried publish all 3. So I
started doing ansi. Omot was producing some dope ass shiznit artwork, and aftera while, I was doing the same. FUTiLE was put on all our ansis. I applied to
RELiC, didnt get accepted. So I stuck around. Here I am, doing ansi for one
of the most prestigous groups in the country. Two members, now THAT is presti-
gous. After RELiC didnt accept me, I realized that I still had alot of work
to be done before I could truly be an ansi god. Unfortunately, Im lazy. So
Im an ansi peasent. Thats alright, cuz if you compare me to the rest of the
614 people, I am Zeus, sitting on Mount Eliteness, ruling over all the other
Really Though, workn w/ a 2 man group is really nice. Very relaxed.
A little competitive. You dont have to worry about group communication, justpost your newest works on Inner Tube The remaining ashes of TUBE, FUTiLE WHQ,
and then go about your business. Gave me a chance to learn from Omots
mistakes, and masterpeices. No bullshit, no apps, no sites, no members, no
packs, and no feuds between members. So WTF are we missing? Weve got the
elite name, the talented artists, the neato WHQ, and the elite FILEID.DIZ!
This is how all groups should be run!
Omot: FUTiLE will never die.
H.P. Hovercraft: Yo G money, Ive worn that saying out.
Echo: I am god, bow in my presence.
GreepFreek: Stick around, maybe some day we will have three members.
/CiD, iCE, TRiBE, CiA, NATiON, UNiON, and all the other groups w/ a small
i in their name:
No, we will not be assimilated, resistance is futile. Leave me alone. No, you
can not join FUTiLE. Omot and I will rule the world before you guys die.
VooDoo Child, ASYLUM, BLADE, and Psychosis Sorry, but VooDoo is elite..:
Uh.. Hi. Keep the lit comen out. I may not be around to show yall how its
done, but I feel for yall. You take alot of shit from people like me.
Part 2 by Omot FUTiLE
Hello world. Its me, Omot, co/founder of that one art group, Futile
or something. I guess, youve already heard Whodinis side of the story, so
I wont bore you with mine :
Were just your average ol two-man local Acid-quality Hehe group.
Which reminds me, if you actually want to join Howd that happen?, then you
can either find either of us or wait until the next pack if theres a next
and utilize our sure-to-be-groovy app, which couldnt be coded in time for
this release Hey, assembly isnt really known for fast coding. Sure, we
suck, but dont take *my* word for it, look at the rest of the damn pack :
If youve never heard of us, you arent as /-r4 as you thought.
Either that, or you dont live in 614/Clumbus or listen to our faint pleas
for acceptance.
The reason is... I dunno. Were just a real laid-back meaning well
lay just about anyone group, out to have a little fun. I know Acid and Ice
are trembling in fear as the era of the Futile revolution dawns and thats why
we purposely make our ansis not look so good :
All groups should be like this, absolutely no deadlines whatsoever at
all This is our first release since we started putting Futile at the end
of our sigs a few months ago, no pressure, and *great* member-to-member
communication We can get our whole group in a teleconference faster than you
can say ATDT.
Futile, FUTiLE, FuTiLe, FTL, Ftl, futile, FUTILE, howevertheheck you
write it, thats us your talking about.
Resistance is Futile. You will be assimilated. -Borg
Oh yeah, before I forget... Tadah! Instead of wasting a whole file
on our membership list, here it is, in no particular order:
Handle Position
Omot Co/Founder, artist
Whodini Co/Founder, artist
-Cut on dotted lines-
Im done babbling for tonight...
Until next time, enjoy our wild cabbage. -Marty Stouffer
Part 1 by Whodini FUTiLE/VORPiL
Dear Mom,
Welp, after a Wig release, 1000 flames, and disco.. here is the Futile
packet. Omot and I have been putn Futile on our ansis, so I figured Id just
put in some junk about where we all got started from.
It all started when I had sex with ostscouts mother. Out pooped
Ostscout.... Ooops.. wrong story.
It all started when I was actually publishing my lit. Echo, Totemo,
and I were all together in a group called PaGE People and Gods Endowed that
was a lit-only group. Welp, the lit scene started to grow right after we were
formed, and the scene was flooded with insane-wannabe poetry. Echo decided to
pack up his lit bags. I lose contact with Totemo. That Leaves me. On the otherside we have TUBE. Run by the ever-famous Omot. His group, much like mine,
had only one working member.. Him. So, I talked to him on the phone, and we
decided to be elite and merge. After a few names.. Boom.. FUTiLE is born. Ok,
so all the people who thought they were in TUBE come into FUTiLE, and Omot and Itell them they either do some shit, or boom. I think thats about that same timethe group quickly grew to 2 members. Omot and I. I decided that the lit scene
was a peice of dog shit, 2-3 groups were pumping out decent lit. The rest was
crap. I had worked on Ansi before, and gotten good at it, just never really
followed it up because of lack of time. I was a Hack/Phreack person, along witha lit person. I couldnt just say Hey, lets do ansi also!, Id produce the
same shit that was goin out in the lit scene if I tried publish all 3. So I
started doing ansi. Omot was producing some dope ass shiznit artwork, and aftera while, I was doing the same. FUTiLE was put on all our ansis. I applied to
RELiC, didnt get accepted. So I stuck around. Here I am, doing ansi for one
of the most prestigous groups in the country. Two members, now THAT is presti-
gous. After RELiC didnt accept me, I realized that I still had alot of work
to be done before I could truly be an ansi god. Unfortunately, Im lazy. So
Im an ansi peasent. Thats alright, cuz if you compare me to the rest of the
614 people, I am Zeus, sitting on Mount Eliteness, ruling over all the other
Really Though, workn w/ a 2 man group is really nice. Very relaxed.
A little competitive. You dont have to worry about group communication, justpost your newest works on Inner Tube The remaining ashes of TUBE, FUTiLE WHQ,
and then go about your business. Gave me a chance to learn from Omots
mistakes, and masterpeices. No bullshit, no apps, no sites, no members, no
packs, and no feuds between members. So WTF are we missing? Weve got the
elite name, the talented artists, the neato WHQ, and the elite FILEID.DIZ!
This is how all groups should be run!
Omot: FUTiLE will never die.
H.P. Hovercraft: Yo G money, Ive worn that saying out.
Echo: I am god, bow in my presence.
GreepFreek: Stick around, maybe some day we will have three members.
/CiD, iCE, TRiBE, CiA, NATiON, UNiON, and all the other groups w/ a small
i in their name:
No, we will not be assimilated, resistance is futile. Leave me alone. No, you
can not join FUTiLE. Omot and I will rule the world before you guys die.
VooDoo Child, ASYLUM, BLADE, and Psychosis Sorry, but VooDoo is elite..:
Uh.. Hi. Keep the lit comen out. I may not be around to show yall how its
done, but I feel for yall. You take alot of shit from people like me.
Part 2 by Omot FUTiLE
Hello world. Its me, Omot, co/founder of that one art group, Futile
or something. I guess, youve already heard Whodinis side of the story, so
I wont bore you with mine :
Were just your average ol two-man local Acid-quality Hehe group.
Which reminds me, if you actually want to join Howd that happen?, then you
can either find either of us or wait until the next pack if theres a next
and utilize our sure-to-be-groovy app, which couldnt be coded in time for
this release Hey, assembly isnt really known for fast coding. Sure, we
suck, but dont take *my* word for it, look at the rest of the damn pack :
If youve never heard of us, you arent as /-r4 as you thought.
Either that, or you dont live in 614/Clumbus or listen to our faint pleas
for acceptance.
The reason is... I dunno. Were just a real laid-back meaning well
lay just about anyone group, out to have a little fun. I know Acid and Ice
are trembling in fear as the era of the Futile revolution dawns and thats why
we purposely make our ansis not look so good :
All groups should be like this, absolutely no deadlines whatsoever at
all This is our first release since we started putting Futile at the end
of our sigs a few months ago, no pressure, and *great* member-to-member
communication We can get our whole group in a teleconference faster than you
can say ATDT.
Futile, FUTiLE, FuTiLe, FTL, Ftl, futile, FUTILE, howevertheheck you
write it, thats us your talking about.
Resistance is Futile. You will be assimilated. -Borg
Oh yeah, before I forget... Tadah! Instead of wasting a whole file
on our membership list, here it is, in no particular order:
Handle Position
Omot Co/Founder, artist
Whodini Co/Founder, artist
-Cut on dotted lines-
Im done babbling for tonight...
Until next time, enjoy our wild cabbage. -Marty Stouffer
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