this image contains text
gravity productions o5/96 info file howdyz! this is clorox cowboy here,
helping to write this lil info file for
the gravity productions total art pack for o5/96. first off, Id like to try and explain what that
brown do-hickey is on the top of this info file is...
its.. NOTHING.. its just a brown smear... It was originally for Nectar, but
I had to go out with my friends before I finished it, and never turned it in..
ok.. down to some official business... this month was a pretty good month for
us here at gravity.. we got some really good feedback regarding our last pack
and have tried to make this pack even better... weve increased our quality
control a bit and have recruited some cool ansi and vga folks... we have
also begun a music department here at gravity... something that was supposed
to happen LAST pack, but was left out because of some act of god.. we hope
that you like the changes we have made.
Id get into all the new members we have recieved throughout the month, but
it would take too long.. so, just look in the membership listing from LAST
pack, and compair it to THIS months, and those are the new members.. ya
like how I kept people from getting pissed at me cause I forgot their names?!
lets see... what else... OH YEAH, we also got our support net up and running,
its called Jolt-Net, and the info file can be found in THIS VERY PACK...
ok, so it was in last pack too, but who cares... join it.. tis very cool..
well, I guess that enough babbling for one info file... enjoy the very cool
pack, and whatever do, dont forget to bring along alot of kleenexs so people dont slip on the floor when you jizz.. : the end ansiinfo by: clorox cowboy!
helping to write this lil info file for
the gravity productions total art pack for o5/96. first off, Id like to try and explain what that
brown do-hickey is on the top of this info file is...
its.. NOTHING.. its just a brown smear... It was originally for Nectar, but
I had to go out with my friends before I finished it, and never turned it in..
ok.. down to some official business... this month was a pretty good month for
us here at gravity.. we got some really good feedback regarding our last pack
and have tried to make this pack even better... weve increased our quality
control a bit and have recruited some cool ansi and vga folks... we have
also begun a music department here at gravity... something that was supposed
to happen LAST pack, but was left out because of some act of god.. we hope
that you like the changes we have made.
Id get into all the new members we have recieved throughout the month, but
it would take too long.. so, just look in the membership listing from LAST
pack, and compair it to THIS months, and those are the new members.. ya
like how I kept people from getting pissed at me cause I forgot their names?!
lets see... what else... OH YEAH, we also got our support net up and running,
its called Jolt-Net, and the info file can be found in THIS VERY PACK...
ok, so it was in last pack too, but who cares... join it.. tis very cool..
well, I guess that enough babbling for one info file... enjoy the very cool
pack, and whatever do, dont forget to bring along alot of kleenexs so people dont slip on the floor when you jizz.. : the end ansiinfo by: clorox cowboy!
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