this image contains text
,.... hUmid logo.. nice and small... ..
h u m i d
, , cN : :l :l , :l
Cn :l l l: l: l: :l l l: l:
* l l l: l l
: *,..*l :l : *,..*l ::
.. trank logo.. outta respect!
a aa a aaaa a aaa a aa?
a a a a Paaagggg,
mmm ?b, aaagga,.? ,dP
1, 1 ?b,. ,dP
: 1b : :P P b,.
P aggaaS ?b,
: P ,dP b,
1 .,aP ,1
??,aagggP d1 ,
yyy .g :
@P P
aa a a aa a a aa , aaa a a a l, :
,.. ok, so what if that is all i had time for.. but i will make a big phat spe
ech, first i am mad, cause i heard basic might break up.. so i got mad, and theni figured ahh, its a rumour it might happen, so i will wait, FOCUS ON HUMID.. i
needed to get some stuff into flame cuz i promised.. so here it is, plus one more logo in a sec, phear oasis, and like phear humid, phear me, cuz i want spears
job, this is the only group he wont quit .. and well, fuck.. thats it from me.
p h e a r...
there, that logo kicks.. and so does this colly. Now i have one last thing to say man.. humid is on the rise, and we are all hot and steamy! h0h0, sorry again
about the lack of work.
h u m i d
, , cN : :l :l , :l
Cn :l l l: l: l: :l l l: l:
* l l l: l l
: *,..*l :l : *,..*l ::
.. trank logo.. outta respect!
a aa a aaaa a aaa a aa?
a a a a Paaagggg,
mmm ?b, aaagga,.? ,dP
1, 1 ?b,. ,dP
: 1b : :P P b,.
P aggaaS ?b,
: P ,dP b,
1 .,aP ,1
??,aagggP d1 ,
yyy .g :
@P P
aa a a aa a a aa , aaa a a a l, :
,.. ok, so what if that is all i had time for.. but i will make a big phat spe
ech, first i am mad, cause i heard basic might break up.. so i got mad, and theni figured ahh, its a rumour it might happen, so i will wait, FOCUS ON HUMID.. i
needed to get some stuff into flame cuz i promised.. so here it is, plus one more logo in a sec, phear oasis, and like phear humid, phear me, cuz i want spears
job, this is the only group he wont quit .. and well, fuck.. thats it from me.
p h e a r...
there, that logo kicks.. and so does this colly. Now i have one last thing to say man.. humid is on the rise, and we are all hot and steamy! h0h0, sorry again
about the lack of work.
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