this image contains text
/ viDeo stAtIc bBs
/ / / / : 888.9618 :
/ / ./ / sys: GRiMiCON
modDeDiMpulSe / . / . .- / .
aRt phIlEs / ./ ./ / ./
--------------------- rM! ------
.. will you tell the phunk, the whole phunk, and nothingbut the phunk? ..
/ / / / : 888.9618 :
/ / ./ / sys: GRiMiCON
modDeDiMpulSe / . / . .- / .
aRt phIlEs / ./ ./ / ./
--------------------- rM! ------
.. will you tell the phunk, the whole phunk, and nothingbut the phunk? ..
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