coolly by aneurysm
coolly by aneurysm
a stewpieed cawllie buh aneurizm- impact
note the white backround.
.,aNSS@a,.SSSSSSSSSSSSio,..oi io,. .oi io,..oi io,..oi io,..oi io,..oiS S S .oi S S S .,oi S S.oi .oi .oi .oi yS S S S S S :.,oi .,oi .,oi .sS .,oi .,oi iS S SS S S S S S S SlSs,..,sSSs,.,sSSs,.,sSSs.,sSSs,.,sSSs,.SS SS
c e l e s t i a l
uh. yeah. note the 2 color backround.
.,oi io,..,oi io,..,oi io,..,oi io,..,oi
pg S S S .,oi io,. S pg
S .,oi io,. .,oi io,. S
.,oi S S io,.
io,. .,oi
i want my juarez cd for this juan.
gggggggg ggggggggggggggggg ggggggggggggggggggggggggggg gggggggggggggg gggggggggggggggggg gggggggggg ggggggggg gggggggggggg gggggg gggggggggg gggggggg gggggggggg ggggg gggg ggggg gggg ggggggggggg Ss,..sS Ss,..,sS gggggggggg gggggggggggggggggggggggg sop: nosferatu gggg ggggggggggg S gggggggggg ggggg gS SSs,. gggggg Ss,. gggg ggggg gggggggggg S SS gggg gggggggg ggggg ggggggggggggggggggg ggggggggggggggggggg ggggggggggg ggggggggggggggg ggggggggg g ggggggg gggggggggggg ggggggggg gggggggggggg gggggggggggggggggggggggggg gggggg gggg
,db. ,x.
,db. ,db.
.,a@SS@a,.YP,a@S,db. .,a@SS@a,.
,d b.YP,dS ,d b.
d b YP dSs,. d b
i .QqqqQii .
l Slll l
SSs,. on
,a@S i @a,.
, l . P
ll i cant color this, so ill
YP leave it, but i will color it..
YP sometime.