this image contains text
aneurizmggg .,aNSS@a,. ggggggggg .,a@SS@a,. gggg gg ,JL. ggggg,dSSSSb. ggggg ,d: SS lb. PT l: SS :l l l lObn, YP ,adOl ggggg YObn. YP ,adOPggggg YObn. ll ,adOPg YObn,..,adOObn,..,adOPg ggggggggggggggggg YP gggggggggg YPggg gggggggg YP gggggggggggg YP gggggggggggggggYP ggggggg gggggggggggg ggYPgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg ggYPgggggggggg YPggg ggggggggg ggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg ll PT .,a@SS@a,. gggggggggggggg l l .,a@SS@a,. ggggggggggg .,a@SS@a,. gggggggg ,J L. gggggggggggggg lggggg ggggg gg,.l ,J L. lgggggggggggggggggggggggggl 4 io,..,oi
io,..,oi io,..,oi
io,. .,oi
S io,..,oi S SSs,. S SSs,. Ss,. io,..,oi Ss,. S Ss,. Ss,.S SS Ss,. SS S SS SS S S alecs system x x fer like.. yeah, he said to make S
him an ascii er cuz it was for a compo
but he changed his mind.. so heres my pic
io,..,oi io,..,oi
io,. .,oi
S io,..,oi S SSs,. S SSs,. Ss,. io,..,oi Ss,. S Ss,. Ss,.S SS Ss,. SS S SS SS S S alecs system x x fer like.. yeah, he said to make S
him an ascii er cuz it was for a compo
but he changed his mind.. so heres my pic
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