this image contains text
.db. Yb. dYb. b d dYb. b d Yb. Y Yb.Y db dP db Y. YbY sP . Yb. YY YY YP Ysss .SsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssS
yo. its me, majick. you prolly guessed that, tho, huh.. just a quick note:
much of the work i did in this pack was done before i was in cap.. for this rea-son, they say things like majick of nothing or majick indy .. im sure allof you know that i am indeed a member of cap, its just that i wasnt forever..
now hasnt this been an educational experience for all? :::
thaZ awl, yOO kan lOOk at thuh reZt O thiZ leet CAP pak nOw..
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------aiya yai.. ok, heres the story: im sittin in ansi on undahnet, and theres
DarkHeart .. so i decide to apply to iNSOMNiA, Neurosis gave the ok and dH took
me up in a flash .. so not only am i in CAP but iNSOMNiA as well, so note
that all of these could in fact have said majickCAP/iNSOMNiA which is what
ill do next month.. in the mean time, just shutup and be satisfied ..g
yo. its me, majick. you prolly guessed that, tho, huh.. just a quick note:
much of the work i did in this pack was done before i was in cap.. for this rea-son, they say things like majick of nothing or majick indy .. im sure allof you know that i am indeed a member of cap, its just that i wasnt forever..
now hasnt this been an educational experience for all? :::
thaZ awl, yOO kan lOOk at thuh reZt O thiZ leet CAP pak nOw..
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------aiya yai.. ok, heres the story: im sittin in ansi on undahnet, and theres
DarkHeart .. so i decide to apply to iNSOMNiA, Neurosis gave the ok and dH took
me up in a flash .. so not only am i in CAP but iNSOMNiA as well, so note
that all of these could in fact have said majickCAP/iNSOMNiA which is what
ill do next month.. in the mean time, just shutup and be satisfied ..g
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