this image contains text
l i s t .
- gee. that font sucks a lot! no time to make another. -
da members listing... les ttes fromages....
now, the final part before i can release that fuckin pack.
theyre our members always in alphabetical order, cause i dont want you to
know which one i prefer
new members.
* members who are releasing this month.
members who will be kicked out of the group if they dont release in the
next pack.
members who are leaving the group this month.
about... -- . - technical informations... -- .-
atomik punk ap age: 18
comments: atomik punk is the guy who : divisions: ANSI/ASCII/CODING
: is running freak zone, our whq. he, .
like me, wanted to do something for softwares: aciddraw, thedraw, ,
, our local scene so i decided to name . borland c++. .
: him vice-president. : :
: affils: irato/raphia/kereva.
youll probably be able to see his
stuff in the next pack..
about... -- . - + technical informations... -- .-
BloodMage bm age: 15
comments: hes the unadapted one. : divisions: ANSI
: bm runs a publik boad around here .
and understands nothing of the softwares: aciddraw, thedraw. ,
, underground scene. . .
: : affils: irato. :
by the way, he has a lot of :
potential at ansi drawing. maybe he
will be a lord someday.
about... -- . - + technical informations... -- .-
burnout bu age: 15
comments: burnout isnt very good at : divisions: ANSI
: drawing, but he surely wants to .
learn. so, i picked him too, to softwares: aciddraw, thedraw. ,
, perform his scene education. . .
: : affils: irato. :
i made all irat-0s recruitment and :
testing on his board. thanx again
about... -- . - + technical informations... -- .-
darkelf de age: 17
comments: i dont know him that much : divisions: CODING
: but he seems to be a pretty good .
coder. softwares: tp. ,
: it all started when he asked me to : affils: irato. :
do a logo for his board untitled. :
i saw his automsg door and liked it.
hes working on the final version...
about... -- . - + technical informations... -- .-
* derksar dk age: 15
comments: i discovered this one as : divisions: ANSI/ASCII/CODING/HIREZ
: i was walkin through his board. he .
done all the art by himself and he softwares: aciddraw, thedraw, ,
, coded his own bbs advertising. which . photoshop, tp. .
: is great btw. : :
: affils: irato.
he gave me full of logos in a record
time about 2 weeks.
about... -- . - + technical informations... -- .-
* flying squirrel fs age: 19
comments: well, thats me! i was : divisions: ANSI/ASCII/CODING/HIREZ
: tired to hear the scenes dead . EMAG
everywhere so i decided to do ,
, something. here are the results, . softwares: aciddraw, thedraw, qb, .
: hope youll enjoy it. : vb, tp, c++, vc++, psp4 :
ill try to put my personnal touch affils: irato/kereva/dielabz/
in every division if it is possible. nighteyesassociation.
about... -- . - + technical informations... -- .-
gravediggaz gz age: 16
comments: hes okay in every of his : divisions: ANSI/ASCII/CODING/HIREZ
: divisions but he needs a lot more of .
pratice. softwares: thedraw, qbarg, ? ,
: hes currently in formation and : affils: irato. :
havent done nothing yet. gz is on :
boards since only 6 months. so i
guess it will be better this way :
about... -- . - + technical informations... -- .-
* mrwrong mr or rogne age: 19
comments: thats the difficult one. : divisions: ANSI
: he dont want to receive any kind of .
from us.. he says that he wants to softwares: aciddraw. ,
, create his own fucked up style . . .
: he seems full of potential of course : affils: irato/foodnotbombs. :
hes also the assigned drummer of
peroxide, a local blablabla group.
about... -- . - + technical informations... -- .-
* phantasy man pm age: 18
comments: another one who gots some : divisions: ANSI/ASCII/MUSIK
: brain disabilities.. just kiddin, .
pm is probably the coolest guy of softwares: aciddraw, thedraw, ? ,
, the group in fact. does everyone . .
: agrees? : affils: irato/raphia. :
hes also the only one who gaven me
a module this month..
about... -- . - + technical informations... -- .-
* the pantouflard tp age: 20
comments: at first, he was not sure : divisions: MUSIK
: to join irato.. i dunno why but i .
know a have worked a lot to recruit softwares: impulse v2.12 ,
, him. . .
: : affils: irato. :
now hes doing some .it for the
group and has his own style..
about... -- . - + technical informations... -- .-
* the alkymist ak age: ??
comments: he gaven me two pics for : divisions: HIREZ
: the pack and i have never heard .
about him again. i guess ill be softwares: photoshop. ,
, better to call him one day if i want . .
: some new stuff : affils: irato. :
he uses photoshops built-in filters
but seems to be very imaginative.
about... -- . - + technical informations... -- .-
vincent gibara vg age: 18
comments: he runs a publik board : divisions: CODING
: around here and seems pretty cool. .
softwares: borland c. ,
, he codes in borland c. . .
: : affils: irato. :
of course. :
thats all ive to say about him. :
total of new members listed: 12 total of members listed: 12 ,
freak zone whq virtual blender hq
: 1-418-ASK-!ME : 1-418-831-8163 :
. sysgod : atomik punk : sysgod : burnout .
login password : IRATO login password : anything
-eof. la joie.
- gee. that font sucks a lot! no time to make another. -
da members listing... les ttes fromages....
now, the final part before i can release that fuckin pack.
theyre our members always in alphabetical order, cause i dont want you to
know which one i prefer
new members.
* members who are releasing this month.
members who will be kicked out of the group if they dont release in the
next pack.
members who are leaving the group this month.
about... -- . - technical informations... -- .-
atomik punk ap age: 18
comments: atomik punk is the guy who : divisions: ANSI/ASCII/CODING
: is running freak zone, our whq. he, .
like me, wanted to do something for softwares: aciddraw, thedraw, ,
, our local scene so i decided to name . borland c++. .
: him vice-president. : :
: affils: irato/raphia/kereva.
youll probably be able to see his
stuff in the next pack..
about... -- . - + technical informations... -- .-
BloodMage bm age: 15
comments: hes the unadapted one. : divisions: ANSI
: bm runs a publik boad around here .
and understands nothing of the softwares: aciddraw, thedraw. ,
, underground scene. . .
: : affils: irato. :
by the way, he has a lot of :
potential at ansi drawing. maybe he
will be a lord someday.
about... -- . - + technical informations... -- .-
burnout bu age: 15
comments: burnout isnt very good at : divisions: ANSI
: drawing, but he surely wants to .
learn. so, i picked him too, to softwares: aciddraw, thedraw. ,
, perform his scene education. . .
: : affils: irato. :
i made all irat-0s recruitment and :
testing on his board. thanx again
about... -- . - + technical informations... -- .-
darkelf de age: 17
comments: i dont know him that much : divisions: CODING
: but he seems to be a pretty good .
coder. softwares: tp. ,
: it all started when he asked me to : affils: irato. :
do a logo for his board untitled. :
i saw his automsg door and liked it.
hes working on the final version...
about... -- . - + technical informations... -- .-
* derksar dk age: 15
comments: i discovered this one as : divisions: ANSI/ASCII/CODING/HIREZ
: i was walkin through his board. he .
done all the art by himself and he softwares: aciddraw, thedraw, ,
, coded his own bbs advertising. which . photoshop, tp. .
: is great btw. : :
: affils: irato.
he gave me full of logos in a record
time about 2 weeks.
about... -- . - + technical informations... -- .-
* flying squirrel fs age: 19
comments: well, thats me! i was : divisions: ANSI/ASCII/CODING/HIREZ
: tired to hear the scenes dead . EMAG
everywhere so i decided to do ,
, something. here are the results, . softwares: aciddraw, thedraw, qb, .
: hope youll enjoy it. : vb, tp, c++, vc++, psp4 :
ill try to put my personnal touch affils: irato/kereva/dielabz/
in every division if it is possible. nighteyesassociation.
about... -- . - + technical informations... -- .-
gravediggaz gz age: 16
comments: hes okay in every of his : divisions: ANSI/ASCII/CODING/HIREZ
: divisions but he needs a lot more of .
pratice. softwares: thedraw, qbarg, ? ,
: hes currently in formation and : affils: irato. :
havent done nothing yet. gz is on :
boards since only 6 months. so i
guess it will be better this way :
about... -- . - + technical informations... -- .-
* mrwrong mr or rogne age: 19
comments: thats the difficult one. : divisions: ANSI
: he dont want to receive any kind of .
from us.. he says that he wants to softwares: aciddraw. ,
, create his own fucked up style . . .
: he seems full of potential of course : affils: irato/foodnotbombs. :
hes also the assigned drummer of
peroxide, a local blablabla group.
about... -- . - + technical informations... -- .-
* phantasy man pm age: 18
comments: another one who gots some : divisions: ANSI/ASCII/MUSIK
: brain disabilities.. just kiddin, .
pm is probably the coolest guy of softwares: aciddraw, thedraw, ? ,
, the group in fact. does everyone . .
: agrees? : affils: irato/raphia. :
hes also the only one who gaven me
a module this month..
about... -- . - + technical informations... -- .-
* the pantouflard tp age: 20
comments: at first, he was not sure : divisions: MUSIK
: to join irato.. i dunno why but i .
know a have worked a lot to recruit softwares: impulse v2.12 ,
, him. . .
: : affils: irato. :
now hes doing some .it for the
group and has his own style..
about... -- . - + technical informations... -- .-
* the alkymist ak age: ??
comments: he gaven me two pics for : divisions: HIREZ
: the pack and i have never heard .
about him again. i guess ill be softwares: photoshop. ,
, better to call him one day if i want . .
: some new stuff : affils: irato. :
he uses photoshops built-in filters
but seems to be very imaginative.
about... -- . - + technical informations... -- .-
vincent gibara vg age: 18
comments: he runs a publik board : divisions: CODING
: around here and seems pretty cool. .
softwares: borland c. ,
, he codes in borland c. . .
: : affils: irato. :
of course. :
thats all ive to say about him. :
total of new members listed: 12 total of members listed: 12 ,
freak zone whq virtual blender hq
: 1-418-ASK-!ME : 1-418-831-8163 :
. sysgod : atomik punk : sysgod : burnout .
login password : IRATO login password : anything
-eof. la joie.
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