this image contains text
----- wirtschaft -------------- soziales ----------------- widerstand ------
interdisziplinr rudimentr sekundr analverkehr
Hate, hate your enemies, save, save your friends,
find, find your place, speak, speak the truth!
wirtschaft soziales widerstand
is released regulary in all fbk- and sargahd-packs for all
reachable households.
V. i. s. d. P.: fbk-crew editors: gunman and trate of fbk
issue 001 daily near death experience
whow how it was quite a little bit overflooded when we ente-
red the inner traffic ring of stockholm, but after a short trip
we managed getting trough the masses towards the congress center
where me and my friends finally saw the signs that should help
foreigners getting to the party place.
soundtracks zum untergang
the soundtracks zum untergang
serial is the first fbk music
sub-label. under this label we
will release four quality tracks SZU
and already released three of gr8!
em, so look out for SZU*.ZiP!
changes in our line-up!?
unfortunately, we had to kick some members due to inactivity,
differences in fbk image-imaginations or just lameness. sushi,
dr. hex and leonardo got kicked but we included leos pic he
did for us in this pack, bladerunner quit the scene, and krashs
fbk-membership ceased in reciprocitily agreement due to some
group-internal trouble. youll find his art he made for us in
this pack, too.
but we also gained some new talented members! shaitan and
caynan, both ansee-painters, are painting only since a very short
time yet and got a big bunch of painting-talent, i think! look at
the ansees by these two newcomers in this pack!
on march the 15th, sdp0l joined the fbk - a pseudo-supplier who
was and still is, of course in the underground of the scene for
many years. besides pseudo-supplying, he will also support us as
underground-culture-expert and stehlampe.
do you remember dj jensen? once in the forming times of the
fbk he was member, but then one day we had to kick him.. however,
in mekka he surprised us with his musicial talent and joined
again! hes also our new mascot! : some weeks after mekka he
even digged out another local musician whos tracking since a
short time - escheck! he presented us some of his tracks and we
decided to take him as a musician, too.
zavage joined us a few weeks ago and will create some vgas
for us. because hes a good friend of shaitan we got in contact
and after some mailswapping in a lame wannabe-scene-network he
sent us his application.. as shaitan, hes also in sargahd.
last but not least theres the UNKNOWN CODER who wants to
stay anonymus for some time first.. : more about him in upcoming
fbk-productions! stay tuned!
fbk distributionsites
we think, we got enough fbk distsites in germany right now,
so dont ask anylonger if your board could become one. inquiries
of sysops from foreign countries are always welcome!
to all the guys asking for an fbk ghq: for a GERMAN group
theres really no need for a GERNAN headquarter, ok? the same
with european headquarters..
dj jensen caught in the act
after meeting olaf cohrs, dj
jensen was unable to go home by ?!
mff due to saufen.
.. so the cops stopped him and wondered about
how that faaaaaaaaaaaat guy is able to sit on
that small mff.
yeah, we nearly destroyed a lame group called blood - we
had a very funny war against em, but one day we recognized that
they also have some cool members which are active in other cool groups, so we decided to let blood live. the leader of blood is
a dorfraving dickhead, so it was just a question of time when the
war would start..
however, its over and we won it, so dont bother us anylon-
ger with mails like och, nu lasst doch mal den buster in ruhe!.
there are many blood-fakes flying through the boards, but in fact we never released a blood-fake, neither any other fake ex-
cept the krynfake which buster and me released long time ago -
sorry to the kryn guys! hope you dont mind anylonger...
another story is the invisible force.. busterblood asserts
the invisible force is an fbk-fake-group, but thats definately
NOT true - the invisible force deals in no way with the fbk, ex-
cept that gunman is member as courier for them.
btw, buster, were still waiting for some thanks from you for
letting your group alive!?
wir siegten ohne blut.
fbk - nazees?!
while the fbkblood-war was in its bloom, buster, the leader
of blood, spread the rumour that the fbk consists of political-
right-oriented people and skinheads - thats just another one of
his damn lies. everyone who knows us / our releases knows this
anyway, we just included this little statement to show you off
busters lameness.
wir trinken fr
den frieden
doch lieber tot
als rot!
thats overphunk.
he also tried to tell the public that we menaced him and the
other members of his crew physical violence at demoparties with
the help of illegal polish immegrants.. well.. in fact, he was
the only one in the war who fought with such ridicolous methods
in the form of when i attend mekka, he didnt :, then ...
youll find one of his many mails on this topic in FBK-OPNS.ANS.
btw, didnt he say we are nazis?! so what do we have to do with
immegrants?! :
celebrating one year overphunk
on march, 15th 1996, trate and me celebrated fbks one-year-
anniversy with a lot of booze. we were totally drunken and deci-
ded to call sdp0l.. after this way too long voicecall, sdp0l joined the fbk. :
party on!
we had to cancel the amuser, our emag-project, due to the
incapacity of our coder at that time he isnt member anylonger.
sorry to all you guys out there who contributed articles and artworks and who filled out the voting-form!
tuff style
look up and youll see some examples of that new style i
trate am going to write an article about for black maidens
emag crescent.
die axt
when trate and me began to build up this board using pb, we
didnt realize that bunch of work coming along with such a pro-
ject. furthermore, i gunman am a totally perfect-o-holic, so
you can say die axt died our own perfectionism. we also had
many problems like harddisk-crashs and stuff, so one day we lost
the emphasis..
anyway, it was the best proboard worldwide and will ever be.
maybe well restart that project next year.
digital underground?!
somewhen last year, terrorist, a sysop who couriered for dgu
asked us if we would like to become a subdivision of dgu. i dont
know why, but we agreed without any thoughts about the consequen-
ces. as we tried to get out of dgu some weeks later, we recogniz-
ed that terrorist has just told us some shit. the dgu-leaders
hadnt any knowledge bout the fusion. terrorist, fuck you.
combined results
mekka 96 4th place game compo das scheispiel
7th place multichannel feelin blue
10th place ansee xpress*phunk?
uc2e 2nd place shitmuzzak whiskey dancing
2nd place ansee penis
3rd place ansee dont feed the biers
5th place multichannel lachskammer
+++ last minute news +++ last minute news +++ last minute news +++
sargahd and fbk merged! sargahd became a subdivision of the fbk and caynan and crusader joined in. so, the current memberstatus
looks like this:
fbk: gunman, trate, ejacked, kraut, dj jensen, eschek, sdp0l,
unknown coder.
sargahd: shaitan, blade, bonewood, caynan, zavage, crusader.
sargahd will release regulary ansee-packs in future. leader of
sargahd is shaitan. sargahd is searching for more talented
artists, so apply now! send your application with some examples of
your work to
shaitan@2:2452/323.6 fidonet or to
gunman@2:2449/450.16 fidonet.
in this pack, sargahd and the fbk are still seperate and crusader
isnt member, so you can say on the release-date of sags mit
blumen the merge happened. :
----- wirtschaft -------------- soziales ----------------- widerstand ------
interdisziplinr rudimentr sekundr analverkehr
Hate, hate your enemies, save, save your friends,
find, find your place, speak, speak the truth!
wirtschaft soziales widerstand
is released regulary in all fbk- and sargahd-packs for all
reachable households.
V. i. s. d. P.: fbk-crew editors: gunman and trate of fbk
issue 001 daily near death experience
whow how it was quite a little bit overflooded when we ente-
red the inner traffic ring of stockholm, but after a short trip
we managed getting trough the masses towards the congress center
where me and my friends finally saw the signs that should help
foreigners getting to the party place.
soundtracks zum untergang
the soundtracks zum untergang
serial is the first fbk music
sub-label. under this label we
will release four quality tracks SZU
and already released three of gr8!
em, so look out for SZU*.ZiP!
changes in our line-up!?
unfortunately, we had to kick some members due to inactivity,
differences in fbk image-imaginations or just lameness. sushi,
dr. hex and leonardo got kicked but we included leos pic he
did for us in this pack, bladerunner quit the scene, and krashs
fbk-membership ceased in reciprocitily agreement due to some
group-internal trouble. youll find his art he made for us in
this pack, too.
but we also gained some new talented members! shaitan and
caynan, both ansee-painters, are painting only since a very short
time yet and got a big bunch of painting-talent, i think! look at
the ansees by these two newcomers in this pack!
on march the 15th, sdp0l joined the fbk - a pseudo-supplier who
was and still is, of course in the underground of the scene for
many years. besides pseudo-supplying, he will also support us as
underground-culture-expert and stehlampe.
do you remember dj jensen? once in the forming times of the
fbk he was member, but then one day we had to kick him.. however,
in mekka he surprised us with his musicial talent and joined
again! hes also our new mascot! : some weeks after mekka he
even digged out another local musician whos tracking since a
short time - escheck! he presented us some of his tracks and we
decided to take him as a musician, too.
zavage joined us a few weeks ago and will create some vgas
for us. because hes a good friend of shaitan we got in contact
and after some mailswapping in a lame wannabe-scene-network he
sent us his application.. as shaitan, hes also in sargahd.
last but not least theres the UNKNOWN CODER who wants to
stay anonymus for some time first.. : more about him in upcoming
fbk-productions! stay tuned!
fbk distributionsites
we think, we got enough fbk distsites in germany right now,
so dont ask anylonger if your board could become one. inquiries
of sysops from foreign countries are always welcome!
to all the guys asking for an fbk ghq: for a GERMAN group
theres really no need for a GERNAN headquarter, ok? the same
with european headquarters..
dj jensen caught in the act
after meeting olaf cohrs, dj
jensen was unable to go home by ?!
mff due to saufen.
.. so the cops stopped him and wondered about
how that faaaaaaaaaaaat guy is able to sit on
that small mff.
yeah, we nearly destroyed a lame group called blood - we
had a very funny war against em, but one day we recognized that
they also have some cool members which are active in other cool groups, so we decided to let blood live. the leader of blood is
a dorfraving dickhead, so it was just a question of time when the
war would start..
however, its over and we won it, so dont bother us anylon-
ger with mails like och, nu lasst doch mal den buster in ruhe!.
there are many blood-fakes flying through the boards, but in fact we never released a blood-fake, neither any other fake ex-
cept the krynfake which buster and me released long time ago -
sorry to the kryn guys! hope you dont mind anylonger...
another story is the invisible force.. busterblood asserts
the invisible force is an fbk-fake-group, but thats definately
NOT true - the invisible force deals in no way with the fbk, ex-
cept that gunman is member as courier for them.
btw, buster, were still waiting for some thanks from you for
letting your group alive!?
wir siegten ohne blut.
fbk - nazees?!
while the fbkblood-war was in its bloom, buster, the leader
of blood, spread the rumour that the fbk consists of political-
right-oriented people and skinheads - thats just another one of
his damn lies. everyone who knows us / our releases knows this
anyway, we just included this little statement to show you off
busters lameness.
wir trinken fr
den frieden
doch lieber tot
als rot!
thats overphunk.
he also tried to tell the public that we menaced him and the
other members of his crew physical violence at demoparties with
the help of illegal polish immegrants.. well.. in fact, he was
the only one in the war who fought with such ridicolous methods
in the form of when i attend mekka, he didnt :, then ...
youll find one of his many mails on this topic in FBK-OPNS.ANS.
btw, didnt he say we are nazis?! so what do we have to do with
immegrants?! :
celebrating one year overphunk
on march, 15th 1996, trate and me celebrated fbks one-year-
anniversy with a lot of booze. we were totally drunken and deci-
ded to call sdp0l.. after this way too long voicecall, sdp0l joined the fbk. :
party on!
we had to cancel the amuser, our emag-project, due to the
incapacity of our coder at that time he isnt member anylonger.
sorry to all you guys out there who contributed articles and artworks and who filled out the voting-form!
tuff style
look up and youll see some examples of that new style i
trate am going to write an article about for black maidens
emag crescent.
die axt
when trate and me began to build up this board using pb, we
didnt realize that bunch of work coming along with such a pro-
ject. furthermore, i gunman am a totally perfect-o-holic, so
you can say die axt died our own perfectionism. we also had
many problems like harddisk-crashs and stuff, so one day we lost
the emphasis..
anyway, it was the best proboard worldwide and will ever be.
maybe well restart that project next year.
digital underground?!
somewhen last year, terrorist, a sysop who couriered for dgu
asked us if we would like to become a subdivision of dgu. i dont
know why, but we agreed without any thoughts about the consequen-
ces. as we tried to get out of dgu some weeks later, we recogniz-
ed that terrorist has just told us some shit. the dgu-leaders
hadnt any knowledge bout the fusion. terrorist, fuck you.
combined results
mekka 96 4th place game compo das scheispiel
7th place multichannel feelin blue
10th place ansee xpress*phunk?
uc2e 2nd place shitmuzzak whiskey dancing
2nd place ansee penis
3rd place ansee dont feed the biers
5th place multichannel lachskammer
+++ last minute news +++ last minute news +++ last minute news +++
sargahd and fbk merged! sargahd became a subdivision of the fbk and caynan and crusader joined in. so, the current memberstatus
looks like this:
fbk: gunman, trate, ejacked, kraut, dj jensen, eschek, sdp0l,
unknown coder.
sargahd: shaitan, blade, bonewood, caynan, zavage, crusader.
sargahd will release regulary ansee-packs in future. leader of
sargahd is shaitan. sargahd is searching for more talented
artists, so apply now! send your application with some examples of
your work to
shaitan@2:2452/323.6 fidonet or to
gunman@2:2449/450.16 fidonet.
in this pack, sargahd and the fbk are still seperate and crusader
isnt member, so you can say on the release-date of sags mit
blumen the merge happened. :
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