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So I bet youre sitting here, maybe youve viewed the whole pack, maybe
you havent. But either way I guess you eventually will.. so anyway, the
question youll be asking yourself, asking people in Mimic, hell, asking
anyone is -- Why are there so many stupid things in this pack?
For example, the multiple midi files
the multiple quote files
the joke asciis
the random hirez joke pictures
hell, even the sex stories?
Well, I dont really have a good answer for all that. I mean, I couldve
taken them out of the pack, but you know what? The ascii scene is already
boring as it is hell, without these random joke files you probably
wouldnt remember the pack 10 minutes after viewing it. Not to say that
ascii itself is obsolete, but hey, its pretty much all been done so we
might as well put as much entertainment value in the packs while we still
have the luxury of releasing them on a monthly basis. This based on
member activity and interest in ascii packs in general. So if you have a
problem with the midis, DONT PLAY THEM. If you dont want to view our
joke jpgs, DONT VIEW THEM. ..and if you dont want to hear me bitch
about you bitching.. well.. uh.. I dunno, fuck off you slacking
whores. Go draw some ascii you ungrateful punks!
Black Jack
you havent. But either way I guess you eventually will.. so anyway, the
question youll be asking yourself, asking people in Mimic, hell, asking
anyone is -- Why are there so many stupid things in this pack?
For example, the multiple midi files
the multiple quote files
the joke asciis
the random hirez joke pictures
hell, even the sex stories?
Well, I dont really have a good answer for all that. I mean, I couldve
taken them out of the pack, but you know what? The ascii scene is already
boring as it is hell, without these random joke files you probably
wouldnt remember the pack 10 minutes after viewing it. Not to say that
ascii itself is obsolete, but hey, its pretty much all been done so we
might as well put as much entertainment value in the packs while we still
have the luxury of releasing them on a monthly basis. This based on
member activity and interest in ascii packs in general. So if you have a
problem with the midis, DONT PLAY THEM. If you dont want to view our
joke jpgs, DONT VIEW THEM. ..and if you dont want to hear me bitch
about you bitching.. well.. uh.. I dunno, fuck off you slacking
whores. Go draw some ascii you ungrateful punks!
Black Jack
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