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KpNMMC7?7 7b, y ,l7 7 7 ll 77 ?lySy,. ,b,b, , lSyuuub, .yyyyy, .b,77l7777 77 ,y,. .,r lb ,d7 , ,b, ? ,b,.yySyySb ? d7 ,l d7 77L i b, l ySbyyyy b,. . b,7SS .y. y,. .,dd77y,. lyyy i. 77.db, 77,b. *77* ,db,. ,d ,--------------------------------------------------------------------------------I tried to draw Yuri Gagarin- the FIRST cosmonaut in the world. 12 april 1961
he made a first space trip.
Maybe youll say no, this is not Gagarin, but you know.. i draw him the way
i remmember all his photos- always smiling and always happy....
--------- Kingpin Octopus, from Russia with Lve, 2002
he made a first space trip.
Maybe youll say no, this is not Gagarin, but you know.. i draw him the way
i remmember all his photos- always smiling and always happy....
--------- Kingpin Octopus, from Russia with Lve, 2002
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