this image contains text
Mistigris / Font By Elysius
In August
it will become so hot Cooking once
I will become cooking twice
a cooking pot cooking chicken soup
cooking soup of course. with rice.
Why not?
This is a very short infofile. And well it should be: ne
ar all of
the information usually contained within one of these is instead
in our
little e-mag, Kithe. Reading that would be a good idea,
primarily because
that little bugger is the main reason that this pack was so late
! That
along with this blasted infofile. The combined fruits of our la
bor wont
be seen unless you read the articles as well as viewing this mon
ths fresh
cache of pics. So... unzip it, and take a look.
In other post-Kithe late-breaking news, U
biquitous changed his handle
to Inwire.
Happy birthday to Mist!
Aug. 31st, 1995
In August
it will become so hot Cooking once
I will become cooking twice
a cooking pot cooking chicken soup
cooking soup of course. with rice.
Why not?
This is a very short infofile. And well it should be: ne
ar all of
the information usually contained within one of these is instead
in our
little e-mag, Kithe. Reading that would be a good idea,
primarily because
that little bugger is the main reason that this pack was so late
! That
along with this blasted infofile. The combined fruits of our la
bor wont
be seen unless you read the articles as well as viewing this mon
ths fresh
cache of pics. So... unzip it, and take a look.
In other post-Kithe late-breaking news, U
biquitous changed his handle
to Inwire.
Happy birthday to Mist!
Aug. 31st, 1995
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