this image contains text
- M O Z I C A R T ! P R O D U C T I O N S -
- T H E N E W S -
New Month, New Pack
Here we are again with a new fantastic?! pack.. After sum discussions
about monthly or 1 1/2 monthly releasing we decided to release EVERY
month. This means much more work and of course more stress..
Bye Bye, Dudes!
Some guys had to leave our team, the
reasons why are not important anyway,
we wish them good luck and also more
productivity in their next groups...
Some of them are Dark Destroyer and
Excrement coders, Spacerat and Turbo
couriers and others as you will be
able to see from our mozicart.nfo
. With tears in eyes we say good bye
to Speed Freak. He left the group,
because he had to close his board and
get out of the scene greets to his parents ... One more guy who decided
to quit our team is Liam the lemming who decided to build his own music only
group. Also other dudes had to leave or left us because of their short spare
time, but they will still be active from time to time as freelancers...
This month, mozicart finaly showed activity o
on internet.. on IRC .. we installed 2 bots .o..
in the channel mozicart .. you can join the
channel .. and if the bots are around.. just
type !nfo or !app to get the latest infofile
or app form .. First a nice guy called
Firestarter joined us as inet coordinator..
He organized the bots on IRC ... but they
always quitted the channel and we decided to
take another inetirc-coordinator .. we
found 2 guys who helped us .. Odin one of
the providence pie leaders and Fryguy who
also did the UCF bots are now both irc-coordinators...
WWW - the mozICart homepage
several things trough us back, and we still dont have an official homepage in
the net, but as nothing can stop us, we are setting up one right now and
from next month on you will be able to follow us step by step on that page...
This page will be setup by Brain Dr./Aaargh!, its his profession :
Aaargh! - demo section
Our demo section, called Aaargh! is not longer listed in the mozicart.nfo, but
they are still members! They only decided to have their own infofile which will be available from their next release on...
New Members
o Locutus and I decided to
open a Council-Division
.. from time to time the
leaders were very stressed
so we thought it would be
a good idea to get sum
active guys into the group
. who can help and advise ..
Captain Hood, acid member
and Maverick on of the
. leaders of blacktron are
o the 1st two ones in this
After we saw that mozicart had sum couriering problems, locutus asked sum
warez friends to join us and courier for mozicart..
New courier-members: Bill Bishop, Drone, Input Error, Mr. Rage, Prodigal Son,
Salek, Silent Mobius, Slayer, Zenith and Snapcase.
New Artists/Coders: Brit check his jpgs in this pack, Nono and Shade they
also released vgas in this pack, Skullrazor Ascii, Stone Musician,
Tiger PPE, Wiz VGA, Musician, Ufo Musician and Overflow Coder
mozicart logo by Burps/ACID! Face, Mouse Fish by Toe Jam/mozICart
news file editied by wAVE and ReeBoK of mOZiCART 1996
- M O Z I C A R T ! P R O D U C T I O N S -
- T H E N E W S -
New Month, New Pack
Here we are again with a new fantastic?! pack.. After sum discussions
about monthly or 1 1/2 monthly releasing we decided to release EVERY
month. This means much more work and of course more stress..
Bye Bye, Dudes!
Some guys had to leave our team, the
reasons why are not important anyway,
we wish them good luck and also more
productivity in their next groups...
Some of them are Dark Destroyer and
Excrement coders, Spacerat and Turbo
couriers and others as you will be
able to see from our mozicart.nfo
. With tears in eyes we say good bye
to Speed Freak. He left the group,
because he had to close his board and
get out of the scene greets to his parents ... One more guy who decided
to quit our team is Liam the lemming who decided to build his own music only
group. Also other dudes had to leave or left us because of their short spare
time, but they will still be active from time to time as freelancers...
This month, mozicart finaly showed activity o
on internet.. on IRC .. we installed 2 bots .o..
in the channel mozicart .. you can join the
channel .. and if the bots are around.. just
type !nfo or !app to get the latest infofile
or app form .. First a nice guy called
Firestarter joined us as inet coordinator..
He organized the bots on IRC ... but they
always quitted the channel and we decided to
take another inetirc-coordinator .. we
found 2 guys who helped us .. Odin one of
the providence pie leaders and Fryguy who
also did the UCF bots are now both irc-coordinators...
WWW - the mozICart homepage
several things trough us back, and we still dont have an official homepage in
the net, but as nothing can stop us, we are setting up one right now and
from next month on you will be able to follow us step by step on that page...
This page will be setup by Brain Dr./Aaargh!, its his profession :
Aaargh! - demo section
Our demo section, called Aaargh! is not longer listed in the mozicart.nfo, but
they are still members! They only decided to have their own infofile which will be available from their next release on...
New Members
o Locutus and I decided to
open a Council-Division
.. from time to time the
leaders were very stressed
so we thought it would be
a good idea to get sum
active guys into the group
. who can help and advise ..
Captain Hood, acid member
and Maverick on of the
. leaders of blacktron are
o the 1st two ones in this
After we saw that mozicart had sum couriering problems, locutus asked sum
warez friends to join us and courier for mozicart..
New courier-members: Bill Bishop, Drone, Input Error, Mr. Rage, Prodigal Son,
Salek, Silent Mobius, Slayer, Zenith and Snapcase.
New Artists/Coders: Brit check his jpgs in this pack, Nono and Shade they
also released vgas in this pack, Skullrazor Ascii, Stone Musician,
Tiger PPE, Wiz VGA, Musician, Ufo Musician and Overflow Coder
mozicart logo by Burps/ACID! Face, Mouse Fish by Toe Jam/mozICart
news file editied by wAVE and ReeBoK of mOZiCART 1996
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