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My Forest
In a shodowy domain, beyond the reach of hu
manity, Lyes my hearth, my asylun from soci
ety, where I can reside without my trouble
s. Creatures of the night, D
rift aimlessly around my mind. Wind
clutching my body with its grasp Engrossi
ng my like two lovers in the night. A blan
ket of rain falls on my naked body, shieldi
ng me from my fears as my concerns dissipate. W
icked thoughts take over my mind, a
s I dance my evil forest dance where no on
e else can see. I am not the boy I once wa
s, climbing through my trees.
All my life its held my in its arms,
Protecting me from lifes evil fate. B
ut not all things can last forever, a
s I leave my childhood behind. But
my heart and my fantasies will always remain, i
n my forest with my trees.
Poetry by,
In a shodowy domain, beyond the reach of hu
manity, Lyes my hearth, my asylun from soci
ety, where I can reside without my trouble
s. Creatures of the night, D
rift aimlessly around my mind. Wind
clutching my body with its grasp Engrossi
ng my like two lovers in the night. A blan
ket of rain falls on my naked body, shieldi
ng me from my fears as my concerns dissipate. W
icked thoughts take over my mind, a
s I dance my evil forest dance where no on
e else can see. I am not the boy I once wa
s, climbing through my trees.
All my life its held my in its arms,
Protecting me from lifes evil fate. B
ut not all things can last forever, a
s I leave my childhood behind. But
my heart and my fantasies will always remain, i
n my forest with my trees.
Poetry by,
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