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M O t i O N a N S i G R a p h i C S 9 5
motion graphics site listings as of: july 1st 1995
motion graphics will no longer be giving out sites becuase
we have too many. thanks for applying, and if you have a mem
that calls your board, feel free to call yourself a member
board, just becuase we are so nice here! :
motion graphics productions headquarter boards
System Name Operator Number Hq Status
the crimson waters fractal 613.736.5344 world
ground zero sharp edge +972.644.1336 isreal
splatter kings serial killer +46O8.648O448 sweedish
mayo prince of death 6O4.241.O364 canadian
the never land night prowler 514.963.9965 northern
eternal insanity mind crime 9O8.224.878O eastern
plastiq london animal nite 52O.299.1286 western
hells asylum image 617.232.6699 central
motion graphics productions affiliate systems
System Name Operator Number Status
alien workshop enigmatic 35O.653.7278 distro
altered sanity scorpion 7O5.674.9452 member
brand echh epidemic 9O8.846.667O member
deadly intoxication time killer 8O1.553.8644 distro
equinox griffon 212.935.27O2 member
evil intentions betrayer 4O8.251.622O distro
forrest of illusion giant iguana 61O.865.O481 member
malfeas diabolos 4O8.238.5427 distro
ravaged nightmare ravaged soul 516.277.3525 member
realm of sorrow despair 612.4O5.05O4 member
shattered beliefs dosage 310.541.3997 distro
shattered lands trust 718.848.406O distro
this list is rather unpredictable as it has stood for over
three months now if you are not in this list, please call
the crimson waters, and leave email to proze. do the same
should you request a distrobution/headquarter site.
motion graphics site listings as of: july 1st 1995
motion graphics will no longer be giving out sites becuase
we have too many. thanks for applying, and if you have a mem
that calls your board, feel free to call yourself a member
board, just becuase we are so nice here! :
motion graphics productions headquarter boards
System Name Operator Number Hq Status
the crimson waters fractal 613.736.5344 world
ground zero sharp edge +972.644.1336 isreal
splatter kings serial killer +46O8.648O448 sweedish
mayo prince of death 6O4.241.O364 canadian
the never land night prowler 514.963.9965 northern
eternal insanity mind crime 9O8.224.878O eastern
plastiq london animal nite 52O.299.1286 western
hells asylum image 617.232.6699 central
motion graphics productions affiliate systems
System Name Operator Number Status
alien workshop enigmatic 35O.653.7278 distro
altered sanity scorpion 7O5.674.9452 member
brand echh epidemic 9O8.846.667O member
deadly intoxication time killer 8O1.553.8644 distro
equinox griffon 212.935.27O2 member
evil intentions betrayer 4O8.251.622O distro
forrest of illusion giant iguana 61O.865.O481 member
malfeas diabolos 4O8.238.5427 distro
ravaged nightmare ravaged soul 516.277.3525 member
realm of sorrow despair 612.4O5.05O4 member
shattered beliefs dosage 310.541.3997 distro
shattered lands trust 718.848.406O distro
this list is rather unpredictable as it has stood for over
three months now if you are not in this list, please call
the crimson waters, and leave email to proze. do the same
should you request a distrobution/headquarter site.
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