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M y c H i L d R e N
A r T p A c K
O c T o B e R 2 o 2 3
This art release is a prayer for my doggies, who were recently taken from me by my ex-girlfriend. God, please protect my dogs,
you know I love them like my own children. Forgive me, I did not protect them enough. I did not expect her to be so unreasonable,
so unfeeling, selfish and wicked. I hope they know I did not want any of this to happen and it came from outer-space. I was not
prepared. God, please open her eyes and let her see that she took beautiful creatures away from their happy home. God, please
find a way that they could return here to me. For this I would be eternally grateful.
The story included here in this art release, is basically the story of my abducted dogs, but exchanged for children. Making the
story about the theft of children might elevate the stakes for some people, and in happier times we used to call our dogs our
She left us for a new job in the city, promising to visit soon. Nine months later, she comes without warning and takes the dogs
from me. This work is an attempt to come to terms with the shock of it all. One friend says it is my fault for loving too much.
When you love, people take advantage of you. People tell me this sort of thing happens all the time in break-ups. I guess I
should consider myself lucky there were no real children. Love needs to be united. When it cannot renew itself with interaction
it evaporates.
The night she kidnapped them, they came to me in my dreams telling me they wanted to go running. I awoke to the sound of barking.
Half-dreaming, half-awake, the barking sounded like my dogs at the door asking to be let inside. I ran to the window to look at
my Disney movie come true, but it was the dog across the street. There was no one waiting to be let inside.
I cannot imagine them happy with her in the city. Their favorite activity was running. Come home to me my children, I miss you
and love you very much. If it is not our destiny to meet again in this life, we will meet again on the sands of the Duat where
she will have to answer for what she has done to us. We will play in the sands of the Duat and run and run together, like always.
I would like to thank Zaarin for the artwork he supplied for this release, I hope you are feeling better buddy!
n h g
A r T p A c K
O c T o B e R 2 o 2 3
This art release is a prayer for my doggies, who were recently taken from me by my ex-girlfriend. God, please protect my dogs,
you know I love them like my own children. Forgive me, I did not protect them enough. I did not expect her to be so unreasonable,
so unfeeling, selfish and wicked. I hope they know I did not want any of this to happen and it came from outer-space. I was not
prepared. God, please open her eyes and let her see that she took beautiful creatures away from their happy home. God, please
find a way that they could return here to me. For this I would be eternally grateful.
The story included here in this art release, is basically the story of my abducted dogs, but exchanged for children. Making the
story about the theft of children might elevate the stakes for some people, and in happier times we used to call our dogs our
She left us for a new job in the city, promising to visit soon. Nine months later, she comes without warning and takes the dogs
from me. This work is an attempt to come to terms with the shock of it all. One friend says it is my fault for loving too much.
When you love, people take advantage of you. People tell me this sort of thing happens all the time in break-ups. I guess I
should consider myself lucky there were no real children. Love needs to be united. When it cannot renew itself with interaction
it evaporates.
The night she kidnapped them, they came to me in my dreams telling me they wanted to go running. I awoke to the sound of barking.
Half-dreaming, half-awake, the barking sounded like my dogs at the door asking to be let inside. I ran to the window to look at
my Disney movie come true, but it was the dog across the street. There was no one waiting to be let inside.
I cannot imagine them happy with her in the city. Their favorite activity was running. Come home to me my children, I miss you
and love you very much. If it is not our destiny to meet again in this life, we will meet again on the sands of the Duat where
she will have to answer for what she has done to us. We will play in the sands of the Duat and run and run together, like always.
I would like to thank Zaarin for the artwork he supplied for this release, I hope you are feeling better buddy!
n h g
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