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P ?b,QSba,4SP yy..:. ? yy. ??P,s@a,?b?b P ,:.:.y:..,?: ..: yyya :db yyyyyyyyyyyyya ?SSP l?y,yyyyyyy l ::y QP4l yyyyyy ssssssssssss ..:b. P ,s@P4s, P?P PQ? P?l P4s, yyyyyyi: :. : ,s@s,!,s@s, !,s@s,! ,s@P4Ss,?,s@s, !lyyl .: i l: : b 4? ..: yy: i : b h7S@s,!lSyyy l: yy ? l .: P lsl 1b
F .s@lS lS l :: lP : . lbls i yy::..?:byydP yy ls l .:y?:l: .,ssssdl ?l i S l: l:: : l dPP dl ,b?SyySP iP ,aaaaaaadP,sdlSssssyyssssSbQbyyyyyyyyyyd+-------------- dP,---------------------------------------------------+ Fuck! This bitch ass askee took me like 50 hourz
! to finish! Cuz of all the leet colorz..
LIQUiD SOAP . Umm.. This is a redone request for PH0BIA.. since
FLUPH the previous askee i did for him, SUCKED shit
Umm.. greetz to cain fo inviting me into noname..
F .s@lS lS l :: lP : . lbls i yy::..?:byydP yy ls l .:y?:l: .,ssssdl ?l i S l: l:: : l dPP dl ,b?SyySP iP ,aaaaaaadP,sdlSssssyyssssSbQbyyyyyyyyyyd+-------------- dP,---------------------------------------------------+ Fuck! This bitch ass askee took me like 50 hourz
! to finish! Cuz of all the leet colorz..
LIQUiD SOAP . Umm.. This is a redone request for PH0BIA.. since
FLUPH the previous askee i did for him, SUCKED shit
Umm.. greetz to cain fo inviting me into noname..
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