this image contains text
greenrum odelay.. like a yodel
dirty hoe gettin low with his flow
i i
7 7
ll. l4. mURDEROUS mANGOS .4l .ll
: :.4,.48lll4. : : .4lll84.,4.: :
: :SS 4ll1 47l.48l.87 78.l84.l74 1ll4 SS: :
4.4 l.7 .48l. : : .l84. 7.l 4.4
! :1 l8. .8.l.7 7.l.8. .8l 1: !
l 787 l:.l. .l.:l 787 l
--- master of darkness - murderous mango ---------------------------------------see.. this is what you do when you get lazy.. just copy.. and flip.. or
juts copy.. anyway.. here.. mm, murderous mangos.. watch out for them papayas
too.. this one sucks.. im gonna do more logos.. this pack will be all me!@*
damnit!.. or mostly me!!!@.. i shall have more than anyone else!!.. hahahaha!/
dirty hoe gettin low with his flow
i i
7 7
ll. l4. mURDEROUS mANGOS .4l .ll
: :.4,.48lll4. : : .4lll84.,4.: :
: :SS 4ll1 47l.48l.87 78.l84.l74 1ll4 SS: :
4.4 l.7 .48l. : : .l84. 7.l 4.4
! :1 l8. .8.l.7 7.l.8. .8l 1: !
l 787 l:.l. .l.:l 787 l
--- master of darkness - murderous mango ---------------------------------------see.. this is what you do when you get lazy.. just copy.. and flip.. or
juts copy.. anyway.. here.. mm, murderous mangos.. watch out for them papayas
too.. this one sucks.. im gonna do more logos.. this pack will be all me!@*
damnit!.. or mostly me!!!@.. i shall have more than anyone else!!.. hahahaha!/
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