this image contains text
88888888 8888 :li:.. . .
8 88 . 8 8 :i:.. .:
P ,, 4P ,, *d P ,, 4
db db 4S db odelay ascii
b l WE OWN CiA
4, 4P 4P :. ..
b, 4 ,db, : b, yyyyyyyyyyyyy
,. .,db,. ., b,.
S 8 d
Si P ,, P .t88
i db 8 , 4SSS
.. . l .,db 1SSlll
: 4P d 4. 4P SSlliii
. b, .. b, *. 4lP
b,. ., b,. ., b. . ::
P 8 4P l4b.d .:
87 ,d@p. 4b, ,d888 4 .
8b.88P . 1b,. .,dP .... .d
7. . ..:. ... .. . .
odelay by andy aardvark. requests? im on irc sometimes, ill have my snazz
juno e-mail account soon enough. greets? well, im not big on the scene,
but as far as inspirations go: discyple, pariah, haji, prodigy, discofunk,
lord nitrogen, unsane, all ex-mOp, c4nnabis, spinsane, mSd...
thats enough. bye.
- andyXaArd
8 88 . 8 8 :i:.. .:
P ,, 4P ,, *d P ,, 4
db db 4S db odelay ascii
b l WE OWN CiA
4, 4P 4P :. ..
b, 4 ,db, : b, yyyyyyyyyyyyy
,. .,db,. ., b,.
S 8 d
Si P ,, P .t88
i db 8 , 4SSS
.. . l .,db 1SSlll
: 4P d 4. 4P SSlliii
. b, .. b, *. 4lP
b,. ., b,. ., b. . ::
P 8 4P l4b.d .:
87 ,d@p. 4b, ,d888 4 .
8b.88P . 1b,. .,dP .... .d
7. . ..:. ... .. . .
odelay by andy aardvark. requests? im on irc sometimes, ill have my snazz
juno e-mail account soon enough. greets? well, im not big on the scene,
but as far as inspirations go: discyple, pariah, haji, prodigy, discofunk,
lord nitrogen, unsane, all ex-mOp, c4nnabis, spinsane, mSd...
thats enough. bye.
- andyXaArd
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