this image contains text
, ,m@SS@sm, ,a@S ,,aS@s, ,@S@s,sS!a, , S,S @ms, ,4 , S 8 .,s ., ,4 ! S ,4 ,zs@SS ,m@SS l ,4 : yyyyy yyy yy y y y yyyyyyyyyy yyy y ,4yy gyyyy yyyy ym@yyyy .,sS,. ,., l ,4 ,, .,s@s,. .,SS ,4S ,4S@szs@ kz :@szzs@S
SS .,s@4S! s,.,s phaze a newschool metamorphosis..
hi, this is krezile coming at you from my personal art studio, other-
wise known as my bedroom. I have recently joined odelay and i am releasing
this piece of art entitled phaze in memory of my old tag.
SS .,s@4S! s,.,s phaze a newschool metamorphosis..
hi, this is krezile coming at you from my personal art studio, other-
wise known as my bedroom. I have recently joined odelay and i am releasing
this piece of art entitled phaze in memory of my old tag.
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