this image contains text
, . ,* , . , L, ,
*, b . . /
, , / discypleGWEST
, / odelay. sort of.
kxxx xx x x oDELAY mONTHLY. vOL2, iSSUE1. aUGUST 1997.
Greetings, and welcome to Odelay pack 9. Theres been some confusion
in the past few months, so the pack is a little late. hAH!
Last month weirded me out, so I wont bother talking about it. Odelay
is back, and i hope you enjoy it.
Thanks to the people who helped put this fine pack together. Im kind
of obligated to apologize to the people who were supposed to guest in this
pack, Sargon and Tum. Uh, you can guest next month, Ill explain things to
you when I see you.
Id also like to thank Discyple and Jizm for the headers of this info
file and the member list, respectively.
On a different note, Ive been dabbling in web page creation, with my
latest page based on the latest Aphex Twin incarnation, Rubber Johnny. You
can check it out at
Check it. Ill see yall next month.
best wishes to you and yours
The ProdigylUCKY
*, b . . /
, , / discypleGWEST
, / odelay. sort of.
kxxx xx x x oDELAY mONTHLY. vOL2, iSSUE1. aUGUST 1997.
Greetings, and welcome to Odelay pack 9. Theres been some confusion
in the past few months, so the pack is a little late. hAH!
Last month weirded me out, so I wont bother talking about it. Odelay
is back, and i hope you enjoy it.
Thanks to the people who helped put this fine pack together. Im kind
of obligated to apologize to the people who were supposed to guest in this
pack, Sargon and Tum. Uh, you can guest next month, Ill explain things to
you when I see you.
Id also like to thank Discyple and Jizm for the headers of this info
file and the member list, respectively.
On a different note, Ive been dabbling in web page creation, with my
latest page based on the latest Aphex Twin incarnation, Rubber Johnny. You
can check it out at
Check it. Ill see yall next month.
best wishes to you and yours
The ProdigylUCKY
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