this image contains text
,I,.?SP**?b b?P 7P
, .b,.,, ?1 P,db. ?
W 1b ?P,7 1 Ib :1b,.
i 1 ,P dWWWb ? :
?W7?P ,b, ?
*SbdP ,dbyb i
,,,. Pb.i I
WWby,..,dP ,W ,4
WWWWP.,,.*P ,d
WWWP ddby,. ,y *?b,.
W dP,.bydP? ?7
WW dP,yydby,,*y,. 7
:iWWW 7 IS?P,,??@y@d,. ,7 +@serial2n iIWIIIi i I,b Y db db.Y,db 7
WWiI i: ,b P db . P 7
WW 1I i *Sb 7
?WWW ? * ?S* *SP ,P 77 :
WWWIb b ..,,. :: I 7 i
WIbb ,dWW?Ib i toil 7
WWWP,b P?P?P : j
WWWWWWW dP d@P dP dS@ydb ., .,yS yyy.
?W 1 b 1 1 1b db .,1b
Ib,.*b, ?b ? P 1
iWWWb ?.- ,b***,d?* j1
1W1 ?by,.?P,y. ?byyyy* ,, I ?P
.*SbyyWb.,db 7b.
?WWWWWWb.*SS* 7 @yy@
7iiIW@yydby,. .,d 7
Try to view this ascii in a 50x80 mode.
I always take requests* If you want an ascii, catch me up in ascii ,
ansi , or 972 .
bYA ,
--Shrimp AKA Zona AKA G0at
*and Ill do them only if I like you
, .b,.,, ?1 P,db. ?
W 1b ?P,7 1 Ib :1b,.
i 1 ,P dWWWb ? :
?W7?P ,b, ?
*SbdP ,dbyb i
,,,. Pb.i I
WWby,..,dP ,W ,4
WWWWP.,,.*P ,d
WWWP ddby,. ,y *?b,.
W dP,.bydP? ?7
WW dP,yydby,,*y,. 7
:iWWW 7 IS?P,,??@y@d,. ,7 +@serial2n iIWIIIi i I,b Y db db.Y,db 7
WWiI i: ,b P db . P 7
WW 1I i *Sb 7
?WWW ? * ?S* *SP ,P 77 :
WWWIb b ..,,. :: I 7 i
WIbb ,dWW?Ib i toil 7
WWWP,b P?P?P : j
WWWWWWW dP d@P dP dS@ydb ., .,yS yyy.
?W 1 b 1 1 1b db .,1b
Ib,.*b, ?b ? P 1
iWWWb ?.- ,b***,d?* j1
1W1 ?by,.?P,y. ?byyyy* ,, I ?P
.*SbyyWb.,db 7b.
?WWWWWWb.*SS* 7 @yy@
7iiIW@yydby,. .,d 7
Try to view this ascii in a 50x80 mode.
I always take requests* If you want an ascii, catch me up in ascii ,
ansi , or 972 .
bYA ,
--Shrimp AKA Zona AKA G0at
*and Ill do them only if I like you
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