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y e t a n o t h e r p i c t u r e i n b l u e b y v a i n !
n o c t u r n a l
nocturnal desire
op.ed by catharsis
a r t b y v a i n - o p x
l o g o b y n o s - o p x
hmmmm... this is a shitty picture... maybe the shittiest of them all!
and it goes out to catharsis and his board nocturnal desire... it
took some work, coz my lack of inspiration and the fact that i
started school again... anyway... here it is...
hope you like it catharsis, and sorry for the delay... hope you wont
kill me!!! :
greets to: all i know! :... especially gingerlynn! i love u!!
now call pets!!! +46-278-611311
n o c t u r n a l
nocturnal desire
op.ed by catharsis
a r t b y v a i n - o p x
l o g o b y n o s - o p x
hmmmm... this is a shitty picture... maybe the shittiest of them all!
and it goes out to catharsis and his board nocturnal desire... it
took some work, coz my lack of inspiration and the fact that i
started school again... anyway... here it is...
hope you like it catharsis, and sorry for the delay... hope you wont
kill me!!! :
greets to: all i know! :... especially gingerlynn! i love u!!
now call pets!!! +46-278-611311
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