this image contains text
Zeus II
Zeus II
-----------------chainsaw here!----------brrrzz-----------------------------
okok.. A girl from WILDc.a.t.s. image..hard to do those computercolors..
read this:
If thou wisheth.. no. If you wanna order an ANSI from me, please call the
DARKWOOD bbs, +46-46-2110546 and login with handle VISITOR and pwd VISITOR.
You may also use a handle/psw of your own, its just there to save your time.
Once there, you must WRITE ME A MESSAGE in order to contact me. Just adress
it to Zeus II, and tell me bla bla bla etc etc etc .. and I might draw for
you. Isnt that nice? remember to tell me various info about your board or
whatever it is. Bye... //Zeus II
PS. its also possible to reach me at Sector 7... or some southswedish BBSes.
Zeus II
-----------------chainsaw here!----------brrrzz-----------------------------
okok.. A girl from WILDc.a.t.s. image..hard to do those computercolors..
read this:
If thou wisheth.. no. If you wanna order an ANSI from me, please call the
DARKWOOD bbs, +46-46-2110546 and login with handle VISITOR and pwd VISITOR.
You may also use a handle/psw of your own, its just there to save your time.
Once there, you must WRITE ME A MESSAGE in order to contact me. Just adress
it to Zeus II, and tell me bla bla bla etc etc etc .. and I might draw for
you. Isnt that nice? remember to tell me various info about your board or
whatever it is. Bye... //Zeus II
PS. its also possible to reach me at Sector 7... or some southswedish BBSes.
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