this image contains text
organized chaos of pUnc / ethiC presents an ascii logo colly entitled...
. . . /. . / . / : . . : : . : . : . /: . . : . : . : . : : . : : / / / / oc --- --- --- --- ---
s p a n k m e
------ little note -----------------------------------------------------
i have decided that, until i can do pics, all my asciis will be in lil
collies. aight? aight. nothin much else to say.. except where to reach me.
i usually go as 0c or oWEsEA or whatever on IRC. that, or email me at:
and your request will be considered. hell, itll prolly happen, as i dont get
any at the moment . i cant guarantee anything, as i usually just draw when
i feel like it. if i drew, and i didnt feel like it, it would REALLY suck.
more than usual even . welp, thats it. PS--all requests are free.
oh yeah--forgot to tell you a list of channels i frequent.. on any
given day, ill usually be on: punc, ethic, blind, acid, ansi, or zines.
well.. that bout sums it up. enjoy the collie, childrenz.
and ANOTHER thing.. im usually on IRC about 9:00pm central time.
------ alcoholiday --- for scourge -------------------------------------
+q ,++, * +, , +q ,+g g oc g q+ : . , ,++, g ,++, g +,,+ +, g ,, ,. ,++,q : : +, , , ,++, .,+q +, p +,,+ c , : : ,
a l c o h o l i d a y
------ main menu --- for me --------------------------------------------
.- Y - -- Y : oC!-------------.
/ / / / / / / / n o t h i n
/ / / / / / / / o v e r
/ / // : / // : h e r e !
/ / / :/ / :/ h e h
.:.: Y / .: : : Y B L A N K
M Goto the Message Menu N Leave Note to SysOp O Enter Oneliners
A Enter/Read Automessage P Page SysOp For Chat I Infoforms Menu
B Bulletin Board Listing L Last Ten Callers List + Change Password
D Play Online Games S Change Autosignature G Logoff Menu
E Electronic Mail Menu C Edit Your User Setup /G Speedy Goodbye
! Play Tetris Online F Goto the File Menu /? Command Help
/! View Tetris Scores Q Goto Offline Mail Menu * SysOp Menu
U List of Existing Users Y View Your User Stats
For Morbid Infatuation only. Yackity schmackity.
------ mail menu --- for me --------------------------------------------
.- Y --- Y : oC!---------------.
/ / / / / / / / / n o t h i n g
/ / / / / / / / / g o e s o v e r
/ / // / / // : h e r e !
/ / / // / :/ l e a v e
.:.: Y / .: : : Y i t B L A N K
Q Quit Back to Main Menu R Read Existing Messages ? Redisplay Menu
Goto Previous Msg Area L List Available Areas /? Help w/Commands
Goto Next Message Area A Change Message Area G Logoff Menu
N Newscan Message Areas S Set Your Newscan Date /G Speedy Goodbye
P Post A New Message J Join Msg Conference * SysOp Menu
For Morbid Infatuation only. Prune juice on isle 4...
sorry, brain fart.
------ file menu --- for me --------------------------------------------
.- -- Y : oC!-----------------.
/ / / / / / / / / n o t h i n g
/ / / / / / / / / / g o e s o v e r
/ / / / / // : h e r e !
/ / // / / :/ l e a v e
// : .: : : Y i t B L A N K
Q Quit Back to Main Menu U Upload a File good ? Redisplay Menu
Goto Previous File Area D Download a File bad /? Help w/Commands
Goto Next File Area V View an Archive .ZIP G Logoff menu
J Join a File Conference A Change Your File Area /G Speedy Goodbye
+ Flag a Specific File S Set Your Newscan Date * SysOp Menu
L List Files In Area I View File Information
For Morbid Infatuation only. Lah dee dah.
------ email menu --- for me -------------------------------------------
Y --- Y : oC!---------.
/ / / / / / / / / / n u t h n
/ / / / / / / / / / o v e r
// / // / / // : h e r e
/ / / // / :/ h e h
: .:.: Y / .: : : Y B L A N K
Q Quit To Main Commands ? Redisplay Email Menu G Logoff Menu
R Read Your Personal Mail /? Help With Commands /G Speedy Goodbye
E Send Personal Email * Enter SysOp Menu
For Morbid Infatuation only. Blah blah blah.
------ automessage --- for me ------------------------------------------
.- : / Y --/ /-/ /oC!------------------------.
/ / / / // b o y , t h e r e i s
/ / / / / / a l o t o f n u l l
/ / / / / s p a c e i n
/ : / / : t h i s m e n u , i s
.: / .: Y t h e r e n o t ? !
Q Quit to Main Menu R Reply to Automessage G Logoff menu
S Show the Automessage ? Redisplay the Menu /G Speedy Goodbye
W Write the Automessage /? Help with Commands * SysOp Menu
For Morbid Infatuation. If you rip, I cut your head off and
shit down your throat. You know the drill.
------ autosig --- for me ----------------------------------------------
.- : / ------ - / /oC!------------------------.
/ / / / b o y , t h e r e i s
/ / / / / / a l o t o f n u l l
/ / / / s p a c e i n
/ : / : t h i s m e n u , i s
.: / / h e h t h e r e n o t ? !
E Edit Your Autosignature Q Quit to the Main Menu /G Speedy Goodbye
V View Your Autosignature ? Redisplay This Screen * SysOp Menu
U Upload an Autosignature /? Help w/Commands X Nothin Here!
D Delete The Damn Thing! G Logoff menu X Same wit dis.
For morbid infatuation only. fucknut.
------ ddn --- for luptin ----------------------------------------------
OCg, g,
ii ii g,,g@g,
,gg, ,gg, ,
gll gll ll
ggUU ggUU UU
d a y d r e a m n a t i o n
------ little doodle : --- for your mom -------------------------------
,++, rollin wit da homiez.. shake that booty, oc!
oc /
+,,+ ,+ 0
+,- ---- organized competition ---- --
+ + chaos /
that should be the other way around,
now shouldnt it? heheheheh...
------ newsletter ------------------------------------------------------
luptins gonna kill me for this. heh.. but i though it important to
include a little news-type thingie in my collie. it *IS* a big collie, as far
as the OTHERS ive done go.. anyway.. i was on IRC the other day, and some guy
was bitching about how ethic needed new members. i thought, what the hell.
im only in one art group right now. so, i DCCed bout 4 examples of my work
to the ascii-coordinator in ethic, and boom. youre in, he said. im not
joining JUUUUUUUUST yet. even if i do, i wont leave pUnc. pUnc was the best
thing to ever happen to me, and im not gonna let go of it. heh.. i will not
join ethic until i have seen a pack or two of theirs, or met a few of the
members on IRC and seen samples of their work. there was some guy named
biOgenesis in there, and he was pretty kewl. anyway, i just thought you should
know, peoplez. wish me a happy birfday this april, every1.
. . . /. . / . / : . . : : . : . : . /: . . : . : . : . : : . : : / / / / oc --- --- --- --- ---
s p a n k m e
------ little note -----------------------------------------------------
i have decided that, until i can do pics, all my asciis will be in lil
collies. aight? aight. nothin much else to say.. except where to reach me.
i usually go as 0c or oWEsEA or whatever on IRC. that, or email me at:
and your request will be considered. hell, itll prolly happen, as i dont get
any at the moment . i cant guarantee anything, as i usually just draw when
i feel like it. if i drew, and i didnt feel like it, it would REALLY suck.
more than usual even . welp, thats it. PS--all requests are free.
oh yeah--forgot to tell you a list of channels i frequent.. on any
given day, ill usually be on: punc, ethic, blind, acid, ansi, or zines.
well.. that bout sums it up. enjoy the collie, childrenz.
and ANOTHER thing.. im usually on IRC about 9:00pm central time.
------ alcoholiday --- for scourge -------------------------------------
+q ,++, * +, , +q ,+g g oc g q+ : . , ,++, g ,++, g +,,+ +, g ,, ,. ,++,q : : +, , , ,++, .,+q +, p +,,+ c , : : ,
a l c o h o l i d a y
------ main menu --- for me --------------------------------------------
.- Y - -- Y : oC!-------------.
/ / / / / / / / n o t h i n
/ / / / / / / / o v e r
/ / // : / // : h e r e !
/ / / :/ / :/ h e h
.:.: Y / .: : : Y B L A N K
M Goto the Message Menu N Leave Note to SysOp O Enter Oneliners
A Enter/Read Automessage P Page SysOp For Chat I Infoforms Menu
B Bulletin Board Listing L Last Ten Callers List + Change Password
D Play Online Games S Change Autosignature G Logoff Menu
E Electronic Mail Menu C Edit Your User Setup /G Speedy Goodbye
! Play Tetris Online F Goto the File Menu /? Command Help
/! View Tetris Scores Q Goto Offline Mail Menu * SysOp Menu
U List of Existing Users Y View Your User Stats
For Morbid Infatuation only. Yackity schmackity.
------ mail menu --- for me --------------------------------------------
.- Y --- Y : oC!---------------.
/ / / / / / / / / n o t h i n g
/ / / / / / / / / g o e s o v e r
/ / // / / // : h e r e !
/ / / // / :/ l e a v e
.:.: Y / .: : : Y i t B L A N K
Q Quit Back to Main Menu R Read Existing Messages ? Redisplay Menu
Goto Previous Msg Area L List Available Areas /? Help w/Commands
Goto Next Message Area A Change Message Area G Logoff Menu
N Newscan Message Areas S Set Your Newscan Date /G Speedy Goodbye
P Post A New Message J Join Msg Conference * SysOp Menu
For Morbid Infatuation only. Prune juice on isle 4...
sorry, brain fart.
------ file menu --- for me --------------------------------------------
.- -- Y : oC!-----------------.
/ / / / / / / / / n o t h i n g
/ / / / / / / / / / g o e s o v e r
/ / / / / // : h e r e !
/ / // / / :/ l e a v e
// : .: : : Y i t B L A N K
Q Quit Back to Main Menu U Upload a File good ? Redisplay Menu
Goto Previous File Area D Download a File bad /? Help w/Commands
Goto Next File Area V View an Archive .ZIP G Logoff menu
J Join a File Conference A Change Your File Area /G Speedy Goodbye
+ Flag a Specific File S Set Your Newscan Date * SysOp Menu
L List Files In Area I View File Information
For Morbid Infatuation only. Lah dee dah.
------ email menu --- for me -------------------------------------------
Y --- Y : oC!---------.
/ / / / / / / / / / n u t h n
/ / / / / / / / / / o v e r
// / // / / // : h e r e
/ / / // / :/ h e h
: .:.: Y / .: : : Y B L A N K
Q Quit To Main Commands ? Redisplay Email Menu G Logoff Menu
R Read Your Personal Mail /? Help With Commands /G Speedy Goodbye
E Send Personal Email * Enter SysOp Menu
For Morbid Infatuation only. Blah blah blah.
------ automessage --- for me ------------------------------------------
.- : / Y --/ /-/ /oC!------------------------.
/ / / / // b o y , t h e r e i s
/ / / / / / a l o t o f n u l l
/ / / / / s p a c e i n
/ : / / : t h i s m e n u , i s
.: / .: Y t h e r e n o t ? !
Q Quit to Main Menu R Reply to Automessage G Logoff menu
S Show the Automessage ? Redisplay the Menu /G Speedy Goodbye
W Write the Automessage /? Help with Commands * SysOp Menu
For Morbid Infatuation. If you rip, I cut your head off and
shit down your throat. You know the drill.
------ autosig --- for me ----------------------------------------------
.- : / ------ - / /oC!------------------------.
/ / / / b o y , t h e r e i s
/ / / / / / a l o t o f n u l l
/ / / / s p a c e i n
/ : / : t h i s m e n u , i s
.: / / h e h t h e r e n o t ? !
E Edit Your Autosignature Q Quit to the Main Menu /G Speedy Goodbye
V View Your Autosignature ? Redisplay This Screen * SysOp Menu
U Upload an Autosignature /? Help w/Commands X Nothin Here!
D Delete The Damn Thing! G Logoff menu X Same wit dis.
For morbid infatuation only. fucknut.
------ ddn --- for luptin ----------------------------------------------
OCg, g,
ii ii g,,g@g,
,gg, ,gg, ,
gll gll ll
ggUU ggUU UU
d a y d r e a m n a t i o n
------ little doodle : --- for your mom -------------------------------
,++, rollin wit da homiez.. shake that booty, oc!
oc /
+,,+ ,+ 0
+,- ---- organized competition ---- --
+ + chaos /
that should be the other way around,
now shouldnt it? heheheheh...
------ newsletter ------------------------------------------------------
luptins gonna kill me for this. heh.. but i though it important to
include a little news-type thingie in my collie. it *IS* a big collie, as far
as the OTHERS ive done go.. anyway.. i was on IRC the other day, and some guy
was bitching about how ethic needed new members. i thought, what the hell.
im only in one art group right now. so, i DCCed bout 4 examples of my work
to the ascii-coordinator in ethic, and boom. youre in, he said. im not
joining JUUUUUUUUST yet. even if i do, i wont leave pUnc. pUnc was the best
thing to ever happen to me, and im not gonna let go of it. heh.. i will not
join ethic until i have seen a pack or two of theirs, or met a few of the
members on IRC and seen samples of their work. there was some guy named
biOgenesis in there, and he was pretty kewl. anyway, i just thought you should
know, peoplez. wish me a happy birfday this april, every1.
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