this image contains text
martyr- // -/---/ //
++ ---------- - l-----------/- - ----- ------ + -
p u r g d e s i g n
files listing for purg!logos 15th digital art release
filename ext style artist description
-----//-----//-----//-----//-----//-----//-----//-----//-----//-----// de-asyl jpg vga image destroyer The Asylum Promo
de-bsce jpg vga image destroyer BBS Scene Promo
de-vrtx jpg vga image destroyer The Vortex Promo
decay exe executable multiple Decay Viewer
djl-iknd asc newschool dj-lethal Eye Candy Pic
djl-nc asc newschool dj-lethal No Carrier Screen
fileid diz oldschool kay0zz BBS Description File
filelist txt N/A teeare File Listing for Pack 14
grm-clck txt oldschool grandmaster mojo Click!Ascii Promo
grm-dirl txt oldschool grandmaster mojo Distant Reality Promo
grm-octo txt oldschool grandmaster mojo Octopus Promo
grm-tra txt oldschool grandmaster mojo The Rebel Alliance Promo
jd-blk asc newschool jandor Bleak Promo
jd-dbr asc newschool jandor Debris Promo
mid-base asc newschool midknight Base Logo
mid-izm! asc newschool midknight Izm Logo
mid-izm asc newschool midknight Izm Logo
nr-hys1 jpg vga image nuclear dreamer Hysteria Image
plgo-15 mem memberlist teeare Purg!logos Memberlist 14
plgo-15 nfo information teeare Purg!logos Cuntinfo 14
ppe-area asc newschool purplee Area 51 Promo
ppe-art asc newschool purplee Ansi Revival Team Promo
ppe-grr asc oldschool purplee Joel Logo
ppe-khr asc newschool purplee Khrome Promo
ppe-mod asc newschool purplee Modem Logo
ppe-stat asc newschool purplee Stats Screen
psy-purg jpg vga image psycological warfare Purg Promo
ru-debrs asc newschool rumish Debris Promo
ru-tutor asc newschool rumish Newschool Tutorial
ru-wh asc newschool rumish World Headquarters Promo
sqr!nip1 asc newschool square Nipple Promo
tr-dinfo asc newschool teeare Miscellaneous Debris SysInfo
tr-ds asc newschool teeare Divided Skies
tr-grill asc newschool teeare Grill!ascii Promo
u4-amne asc newschool euphorik Amnesia Logo
u4-deep asc newschool euphorik The Deep Promo
u4-funq asc newschool euphorik Retro Funq Promo
u4-pasq asc newschool euphorik Purg Ascii Logo
u4-pr15 asc newschool euphorik Purg Header
u4-retr asc newschool euphorik Retro Funq Promo
u4-sharp asc newschool euphorik SharpNet Logo
vl-purg asc newschool vlad Purg!logos Promo
zb-asc15 col newschool zubfatal Ascii Colly 15
++ ---------- - l-----------/- - ----- ------ + -
p u r g d e s i g n
files listing for purg!logos 15th digital art release
filename ext style artist description
-----//-----//-----//-----//-----//-----//-----//-----//-----//-----// de-asyl jpg vga image destroyer The Asylum Promo
de-bsce jpg vga image destroyer BBS Scene Promo
de-vrtx jpg vga image destroyer The Vortex Promo
decay exe executable multiple Decay Viewer
djl-iknd asc newschool dj-lethal Eye Candy Pic
djl-nc asc newschool dj-lethal No Carrier Screen
fileid diz oldschool kay0zz BBS Description File
filelist txt N/A teeare File Listing for Pack 14
grm-clck txt oldschool grandmaster mojo Click!Ascii Promo
grm-dirl txt oldschool grandmaster mojo Distant Reality Promo
grm-octo txt oldschool grandmaster mojo Octopus Promo
grm-tra txt oldschool grandmaster mojo The Rebel Alliance Promo
jd-blk asc newschool jandor Bleak Promo
jd-dbr asc newschool jandor Debris Promo
mid-base asc newschool midknight Base Logo
mid-izm! asc newschool midknight Izm Logo
mid-izm asc newschool midknight Izm Logo
nr-hys1 jpg vga image nuclear dreamer Hysteria Image
plgo-15 mem memberlist teeare Purg!logos Memberlist 14
plgo-15 nfo information teeare Purg!logos Cuntinfo 14
ppe-area asc newschool purplee Area 51 Promo
ppe-art asc newschool purplee Ansi Revival Team Promo
ppe-grr asc oldschool purplee Joel Logo
ppe-khr asc newschool purplee Khrome Promo
ppe-mod asc newschool purplee Modem Logo
ppe-stat asc newschool purplee Stats Screen
psy-purg jpg vga image psycological warfare Purg Promo
ru-debrs asc newschool rumish Debris Promo
ru-tutor asc newschool rumish Newschool Tutorial
ru-wh asc newschool rumish World Headquarters Promo
sqr!nip1 asc newschool square Nipple Promo
tr-dinfo asc newschool teeare Miscellaneous Debris SysInfo
tr-ds asc newschool teeare Divided Skies
tr-grill asc newschool teeare Grill!ascii Promo
u4-amne asc newschool euphorik Amnesia Logo
u4-deep asc newschool euphorik The Deep Promo
u4-funq asc newschool euphorik Retro Funq Promo
u4-pasq asc newschool euphorik Purg Ascii Logo
u4-pr15 asc newschool euphorik Purg Header
u4-retr asc newschool euphorik Retro Funq Promo
u4-sharp asc newschool euphorik SharpNet Logo
vl-purg asc newschool vlad Purg!logos Promo
zb-asc15 col newschool zubfatal Ascii Colly 15
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