this image contains text
Quad-P June 1996 Periodical
eb RIP
Ebony on the
oriental tip eb Kick back while Quad-P powah in
hPs vocals slip the nine six! Through the mic I flow all night
Dope style, shit hits just right
Its been two months since our last release, and I figured we should get
something out before summer really took hold and none of us felt like sitting
infront of a computer or had the time. So here it is for your enjoyment,
Quad-Ps June Period.
In the realm of member news, most of us have completed finals or are about
to start them and are running around looking for summer employment and
new places to tag werdup to the ESP, nice scrawl guys.
Mithrandir finially got ungrounded from the computer. Smoof moof amigo.
Stygian got busy on the net and joined fSW and Pursuit nice to see a Pursuit
revival, welcome back guys. Im glad to see him getting some more exposure
out there.. another sucessful Quad-P promotion of a 3O6-local!
Assassins ansi has been getting better by leaps and bounds with each piece,
and Ild just like to personally congratulate him.
El Greco is prolly doing something, and he still has my FLA disc too. Argh!
Our 403 boys, Rheostatic and Cain havent been heard from in a while. My
guess is they made up and decided to run off to Vegas and get married.. hey,
it *could* happen!
LeSTaT popped back up from the 414 under a new alias Ratfink. Were all
glad to see hes still alive, and we should hopefully have a new appgen
shortly thanks to the nig.
Evilive has prolly been busy with Ganja as usual, but then I cant say for
sure since I havent been able to get on his board in over a two months..
damn busy signals, argh!
Tyler Cranston aka Stonecold is still an idiot, nothing new there. Please
stop doing work for his board, Infinite Confusion.
Modal is living his life long dream of being poor white trash, having
finially made the big leap by not paying his phone bill and having his line
disconnected. For those of you whold like to get in contact with him try
looking for a goofy tall guy in downtown Saskatoon with a Will work for
call waiting sign.
Ive been neck deep in algebra and chemistry homework. I also have no ISP,
so Ild just like to send an oppology out to the members Ive lost contact
with. Sorry all, but if youre not on ModemLand I cant really keep in touch
so call.. 3O6-652-4359. Or call my VMB @ 1-8OO-925-9999 box: 294
- Hiro Protagonist, Quad-P Coordinator
Founder: Modal Active Coordinator: H
iro Protagonist
Members: Assassin - Bull - Cowman - Cain - El Greco - Evilive - Ratfink
LisanIlm - Mithrandir - Morphius - Powder Bombs - Rebelord
Rheostatic - Stygian - Windrider
Alumni: Deus Irae - Bigfoot - Ebony - Trickster - Illusionizer - Fiend
purple indicates a new member - black indicates a deceased member
red indicates a member pending removal
ModemLand 3O6-652-4359 World HQ Hiro Protagonist
Black Opium 7O1-523-59O9 Member Board Evilive
Corleone 3O6-978-3865 Member Board The Abstract Poet
Terminal Countdown 8O3-236-4274 Member Board Rebelord
The Inmost Sanctum 3O6-477-3380 Member Board Stygian
Vasoline 4O3-UP-SOON! Member Board Rheostatic
Alien Workshop 36O-653-7278 Affiliate Board Enigmatic
Diet Cola 6O7-844-4661 Affiliate Board Spear
Enygma 503-UP-SOON! Affiliate Board Fahrenheit
Harvest Moon 216-951-7O59 Affiliate Board Quran
Whodinis Magik 614-UP-SOON! Affiliate Board Whodini
..if you can read this youre too close..
eb RIP
Ebony on the
oriental tip eb Kick back while Quad-P powah in
hPs vocals slip the nine six! Through the mic I flow all night
Dope style, shit hits just right
Its been two months since our last release, and I figured we should get
something out before summer really took hold and none of us felt like sitting
infront of a computer or had the time. So here it is for your enjoyment,
Quad-Ps June Period.
In the realm of member news, most of us have completed finals or are about
to start them and are running around looking for summer employment and
new places to tag werdup to the ESP, nice scrawl guys.
Mithrandir finially got ungrounded from the computer. Smoof moof amigo.
Stygian got busy on the net and joined fSW and Pursuit nice to see a Pursuit
revival, welcome back guys. Im glad to see him getting some more exposure
out there.. another sucessful Quad-P promotion of a 3O6-local!
Assassins ansi has been getting better by leaps and bounds with each piece,
and Ild just like to personally congratulate him.
El Greco is prolly doing something, and he still has my FLA disc too. Argh!
Our 403 boys, Rheostatic and Cain havent been heard from in a while. My
guess is they made up and decided to run off to Vegas and get married.. hey,
it *could* happen!
LeSTaT popped back up from the 414 under a new alias Ratfink. Were all
glad to see hes still alive, and we should hopefully have a new appgen
shortly thanks to the nig.
Evilive has prolly been busy with Ganja as usual, but then I cant say for
sure since I havent been able to get on his board in over a two months..
damn busy signals, argh!
Tyler Cranston aka Stonecold is still an idiot, nothing new there. Please
stop doing work for his board, Infinite Confusion.
Modal is living his life long dream of being poor white trash, having
finially made the big leap by not paying his phone bill and having his line
disconnected. For those of you whold like to get in contact with him try
looking for a goofy tall guy in downtown Saskatoon with a Will work for
call waiting sign.
Ive been neck deep in algebra and chemistry homework. I also have no ISP,
so Ild just like to send an oppology out to the members Ive lost contact
with. Sorry all, but if youre not on ModemLand I cant really keep in touch
so call.. 3O6-652-4359. Or call my VMB @ 1-8OO-925-9999 box: 294
- Hiro Protagonist, Quad-P Coordinator
Founder: Modal Active Coordinator: H
iro Protagonist
Members: Assassin - Bull - Cowman - Cain - El Greco - Evilive - Ratfink
LisanIlm - Mithrandir - Morphius - Powder Bombs - Rebelord
Rheostatic - Stygian - Windrider
Alumni: Deus Irae - Bigfoot - Ebony - Trickster - Illusionizer - Fiend
purple indicates a new member - black indicates a deceased member
red indicates a member pending removal
ModemLand 3O6-652-4359 World HQ Hiro Protagonist
Black Opium 7O1-523-59O9 Member Board Evilive
Corleone 3O6-978-3865 Member Board The Abstract Poet
Terminal Countdown 8O3-236-4274 Member Board Rebelord
The Inmost Sanctum 3O6-477-3380 Member Board Stygian
Vasoline 4O3-UP-SOON! Member Board Rheostatic
Alien Workshop 36O-653-7278 Affiliate Board Enigmatic
Diet Cola 6O7-844-4661 Affiliate Board Spear
Enygma 503-UP-SOON! Affiliate Board Fahrenheit
Harvest Moon 216-951-7O59 Affiliate Board Quran
Whodinis Magik 614-UP-SOON! Affiliate Board Whodini
..if you can read this youre too close..
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