T H E F U G i T i V E
In the sun I feelas one
I feelthat my workis done
But yet so muchleft unfinished
I want totalk agun and shoot untilIam daminished
I am just so sorry and wasted thatI dont deserve to live
There isjust nothingleft for me to give
I am so sorry butit is time
Time for mylast dine
I mustnow go
I must go deepand hide It isnt myfault I just feel caught TFSo I saymy fairwells RCTWhen Icome back?No one can tell
Dont botherto calling
Ill just be in a horrible place balling
My chances of livingis a slim five percent T
This is my lastand final Primal Decent. F
P R i M A L D E S C E N T
9 O 8 7 5 2 S O O N
C O M I N G F A L L O F 94
- UpTop: ThE FUGiTiVE ReactorV2Pt
- Co.Op: LEO D. LiON
G i V E i T A C A L L T H I S F A L L
ANSiFONT: The Fugitive Reactor LiT: MiRAGE Reactor
Greets go out to Leo D. Lion, Pliny, QuRAn, Mirage, Somms, and any one I missed If yould like to purchase a CRAP COPiED RiGHT off the ARTiSTS PiCTURE with
some slight modifications, you can reach me on FreeFall Int. Net, Blitz Net, or
on Harvest Moon. Prices are Negotiable.