this image contains text
.,ass, ............
pa,.sS .ss. :.... ,., :!pm
,ssl: :l ... . : s, :
:: .l:, s : :
.s:s .,sas,,.. .s :
.ps., lb : :sa,l :
..: ll: :::: ,s :
: :l : : . : :
:....... l: :ll..... l ....:
,s :l :: ,.,sab.,
.s f b
Riot Art/Modding Productions 1997
Well, yet another release has been made! Theres a bit o news fer this month,
so lets get started.
News as of 0997:
Good things:
Two new members this month!
The Director joined the group early in the month, so hes got a few pieces in
the pak. Hes a really talented ascii artist, and has just gotten into ansi.
Look for some good shit from this guy in the future.
Rhoddi is a bud of mine from college. Hes into VGA art, and really has quite a talent. He joined late in the month, but still managed to get alot of pieces in
for the pak. This is another guy who is gonna make an impact in the art scene.
Bad things:
Our irc channel was taken over while our backs were turned! Shitty deal, but
weve already setup another one. The new name is riotart on efnet.
Metal Defender has left the art scene completely, thus hes left the group.
Other stuph:
Something else to make note of. RioT Productions is now doing ART ONLY! The
modding has been transfered to a sub-division of riot. The name of this new
division still remains undecided so any ideas are welcomed. How this division
works is this: Whenever enough mods are put together to make a pak, a pak is
released. An easy concept. Something else to mention is that if you are a memberof riot, and doing only mods, you are still considered a member of riot, you aresimply in a sub-division is all.
pa,.sS .ss. :.... ,., :!pm
,ssl: :l ... . : s, :
:: .l:, s : :
.s:s .,sas,,.. .s :
.ps., lb : :sa,l :
..: ll: :::: ,s :
: :l : : . : :
:....... l: :ll..... l ....:
,s :l :: ,.,sab.,
.s f b
Riot Art/Modding Productions 1997
Well, yet another release has been made! Theres a bit o news fer this month,
so lets get started.
News as of 0997:
Good things:
Two new members this month!
The Director joined the group early in the month, so hes got a few pieces in
the pak. Hes a really talented ascii artist, and has just gotten into ansi.
Look for some good shit from this guy in the future.
Rhoddi is a bud of mine from college. Hes into VGA art, and really has quite a talent. He joined late in the month, but still managed to get alot of pieces in
for the pak. This is another guy who is gonna make an impact in the art scene.
Bad things:
Our irc channel was taken over while our backs were turned! Shitty deal, but
weve already setup another one. The new name is riotart on efnet.
Metal Defender has left the art scene completely, thus hes left the group.
Other stuph:
Something else to make note of. RioT Productions is now doing ART ONLY! The
modding has been transfered to a sub-division of riot. The name of this new
division still remains undecided so any ideas are welcomed. How this division
works is this: Whenever enough mods are put together to make a pak, a pak is
released. An easy concept. Something else to mention is that if you are a memberof riot, and doing only mods, you are still considered a member of riot, you aresimply in a sub-division is all.
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