this image contains text
l/ bds/ /l/ acid/
R E M O R S E ! A S C I I P R E S E N T S
tG/ /
: // l hP! :
l/ l l /
D I E R I P P E R D I E !
Ive never made a fileid.diz for the group called CLASS before, I wouldnt
even know who they are. But lets just suppose for a minute I was going to
do one. It might look a little like this:
l l l l
A simple and straight-forward example of a style of mine everyone became
familiar with in my ascii collections In the Mouth of Madness R-ITMOM.TXT
and To Serve Man R-TSM.TXT. Now consider the following if you would,
made by Feral of NoName F3-CLASS.ASC - NoName pack 10:
l : : : : : :
-----i - -.: - -l
c L A S S
---- ----- ------ - - fERAL/nONAME--
Forgoing the fact that its too wide for a fileid.diz its 48 columns, uses
control characters and both of which could cause strange results if
they were fed through a bbss internal fileid scanner, take a long hard look
at it. Or better yet, look at this simplified version:
And while youre at it, consider the shading effects I used in the following
logo from R-TSM.TXT:
. . . . .. hP!
Begining to see the picture? But wait, lets take a look at a technique
Whodini developed a while ago:
7 / / 7 /
7 7 7
7 7
J J l l
l /l l /J/J
wH0lJR lJ lJ
Of particular interest for us in this case is Whodinis use of l and J,
which if you go back to Ferals original youll see running rampant in
style.. if not specific character for you amiga peeps, hes using an IBM
high-bit character that looks like a J without the line on the top.
So all this sparks the question of where does style influence become style
ripping? Personally, Ild say Ferals original outlined here clearly
crosses the line.
Ild never claim to have invented the : vertical line shading technique,
that credit goes to Piromaniak and/or Tinyz they were the first I ever saw
use it, but since we know so few of todays newbies have any idea who either
either PMK or TZ is, its clear where that came from. Ferals font also just
happens to bear a striking resemblance to that old style of mine, and its
quite easy to see he ripped my and / point shading for the top ends
of the C and S for examples of this look in R-TSM.TXT - its everywhere in
that particular colly.
Its not often that I feel motivated to do one of these files, despite the
fact I see alot of rips floating around out there especially those of old
Lord Nitrogen styles and Megga Hertzs style, but this little disection
was prompted by the fact that I had already caught Feral in a small rip
which he didnt release as far as I know to which he replied hed be
keeping his shit more original in the future. So much for that...
Im more than willing to hear any explaination Feral might have for this,
although I honestly believe he can provide no rational explaination for
the proof Ive presented here.
D E A T H T O T H E R I P P E R S !
s.,sSSs,. ,. ,l
,PTb.,sS. ,: ,sSSs,
,d: d.,yS.. ,l ,,
ll,,yP. ,..., l: .,sSSs,.s ,P.: .
lP,s,..,.:lPTb.,sS.dl:. ,
:l.s,...l l: d.,yS...,
l: ,....:l,,yP. ,...
:l l,...l lP.,s,...
l: . Sb ,.:l.g,...
l .SSs,., ,l l: ,...
b ss,SS S :l l,.P l.
b b .,sS Sb,Y,Ss,.b l:. S,
b . TSs,:l .SSs,.SP,
, ,sSSs,S*. S: ,Sb,, s
. ,l: l b ,sSSs, TP . Y
:l . ,:d b :b .s Y
dy l: l. ,P l: remorse1981 --
:l lSS d*b:l too much posse.
l: .ld. bl:
:l ,d,,l
. *. l:
K E E P I T R E A L . . W E R E W A T C H I N G .
@BEGINFILEID.DIZ... DIE RIPPER DIE ....... 04-06-97 ..
: pk/kts --------/ :
: / - / REMORSE 1981 .
Feral tarnishes
the last NoName pack by ripping Hiro
and Whodini.. read it all here!
l/ bds/ /l/ acid/
R E M O R S E ! A S C I I P R E S E N T S
tG/ /
: // l hP! :
l/ l l /
D I E R I P P E R D I E !
Ive never made a fileid.diz for the group called CLASS before, I wouldnt
even know who they are. But lets just suppose for a minute I was going to
do one. It might look a little like this:
l l l l
A simple and straight-forward example of a style of mine everyone became
familiar with in my ascii collections In the Mouth of Madness R-ITMOM.TXT
and To Serve Man R-TSM.TXT. Now consider the following if you would,
made by Feral of NoName F3-CLASS.ASC - NoName pack 10:
l : : : : : :
-----i - -.: - -l
c L A S S
---- ----- ------ - - fERAL/nONAME--
Forgoing the fact that its too wide for a fileid.diz its 48 columns, uses
control characters and both of which could cause strange results if
they were fed through a bbss internal fileid scanner, take a long hard look
at it. Or better yet, look at this simplified version:
And while youre at it, consider the shading effects I used in the following
logo from R-TSM.TXT:
. . . . .. hP!
Begining to see the picture? But wait, lets take a look at a technique
Whodini developed a while ago:
7 / / 7 /
7 7 7
7 7
J J l l
l /l l /J/J
wH0lJR lJ lJ
Of particular interest for us in this case is Whodinis use of l and J,
which if you go back to Ferals original youll see running rampant in
style.. if not specific character for you amiga peeps, hes using an IBM
high-bit character that looks like a J without the line on the top.
So all this sparks the question of where does style influence become style
ripping? Personally, Ild say Ferals original outlined here clearly
crosses the line.
Ild never claim to have invented the : vertical line shading technique,
that credit goes to Piromaniak and/or Tinyz they were the first I ever saw
use it, but since we know so few of todays newbies have any idea who either
either PMK or TZ is, its clear where that came from. Ferals font also just
happens to bear a striking resemblance to that old style of mine, and its
quite easy to see he ripped my and / point shading for the top ends
of the C and S for examples of this look in R-TSM.TXT - its everywhere in
that particular colly.
Its not often that I feel motivated to do one of these files, despite the
fact I see alot of rips floating around out there especially those of old
Lord Nitrogen styles and Megga Hertzs style, but this little disection
was prompted by the fact that I had already caught Feral in a small rip
which he didnt release as far as I know to which he replied hed be
keeping his shit more original in the future. So much for that...
Im more than willing to hear any explaination Feral might have for this,
although I honestly believe he can provide no rational explaination for
the proof Ive presented here.
D E A T H T O T H E R I P P E R S !
s.,sSSs,. ,. ,l
,PTb.,sS. ,: ,sSSs,
,d: d.,yS.. ,l ,,
ll,,yP. ,..., l: .,sSSs,.s ,P.: .
lP,s,..,.:lPTb.,sS.dl:. ,
:l.s,...l l: d.,yS...,
l: ,....:l,,yP. ,...
:l l,...l lP.,s,...
l: . Sb ,.:l.g,...
l .SSs,., ,l l: ,...
b ss,SS S :l l,.P l.
b b .,sS Sb,Y,Ss,.b l:. S,
b . TSs,:l .SSs,.SP,
, ,sSSs,S*. S: ,Sb,, s
. ,l: l b ,sSSs, TP . Y
:l . ,:d b :b .s Y
dy l: l. ,P l: remorse1981 --
:l lSS d*b:l too much posse.
l: .ld. bl:
:l ,d,,l
. *. l:
K E E P I T R E A L . . W E R E W A T C H I N G .
@BEGINFILEID.DIZ... DIE RIPPER DIE ....... 04-06-97 ..
: pk/kts --------/ :
: / - / REMORSE 1981 .
Feral tarnishes
the last NoName pack by ripping Hiro
and Whodini.. read it all here!
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