this image contains text
.* *. db * j@ * db *.y@@y. l
/*ii: b. d* .* / *// :
*/ * .y@y.* .y@ .yy.*.**** .dl.
db * ..:*./d ,yy.
.y/y.4y /.d7 / .b db
. lb.d7.d7.* .*:
:l d7/.yy.l.y.
S*,d l.*/b //: db l
.*.dy, **. .d
.y@/* **b. */y*
*//y . ** * .* .y//* *yb
@p, // . * .yy.* d/*i*//
@y./*//: ,d .y
element II - Its unstoppable. ASCII art by zerostar/agrippa,
the early element co-scripter, ionz pimp. Im like a broken
record, Ive got bubblegum in my brain.
hey ionz, check it out youll have to replace the character with , to get
this bitch to work in mirc. leave it how it is, dont cut out my precious text.
and, include the original .ans file with the script, so people can see how this
is supposed to look. ps - it says elem.
/*ii: b. d* .* / *// :
*/ * .y@y.* .y@ .yy.*.**** .dl.
db * ..:*./d ,yy.
.y/y.4y /.d7 / .b db
. lb.d7.d7.* .*:
:l d7/.yy.l.y.
S*,d l.*/b //: db l
.*.dy, **. .d
.y@/* **b. */y*
*//y . ** * .* .y//* *yb
@p, // . * .yy.* d/*i*//
@y./*//: ,d .y
element II - Its unstoppable. ASCII art by zerostar/agrippa,
the early element co-scripter, ionz pimp. Im like a broken
record, Ive got bubblegum in my brain.
hey ionz, check it out youll have to replace the character with , to get
this bitch to work in mirc. leave it how it is, dont cut out my precious text.
and, include the original .ans file with the script, so people can see how this
is supposed to look. ps - it says elem.
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