this image contains text
polygon b. i ..
b. jb. l ,db ..
. b. jb. . .d ,.....
l l 4
l ,7b,..,SS/.
1 l7 l .,d7.,4b.
.,d7 b l
b l .d S,,,d7
..i .d d7 i
.d7i 47
7 ..b 47 i
. 4 wkz
, .. R E M O R S E ..
, W E L C O M E T O R E M O R S E 3 9 T H RELEASE!
I would just like to greet our newest members who joined us
this month! Vap0r, Polygon, Antik and Noches! We are happy
. to have you guys with us! .
, Wackie. ,
Ancients: Necromancer, Whodini.
, Kings: Arrogance aCk, Pariah.
. Pimps: Crash, Wackie, Volatile , Tzeentch.
. Slaves: Aesthetic, AXB, Brane, Computer Man, Drax, Erupt, Killa Hertz,
Miasma, Mj0lnir, Mukumdi, Noches, Poskgubbe, Prosthesis, Talo, The
, Messiah, The Upright Man, Triplogic, Two11Two, Vap0r, Empty, Antik.
Strangers: Enigmatic, Fahrenheit, Hiro Protagonist, Kaleidas, Megga
. Hertz, Mr. Kite, Necronite, Omicorn, Spinsane, Terminator 2, tinyz,
, Wind Rider. ,
Wackie, Remorse 1981!
b. jb. l ,db ..
. b. jb. . .d ,.....
l l 4
l ,7b,..,SS/.
1 l7 l .,d7.,4b.
.,d7 b l
b l .d S,,,d7
..i .d d7 i
.d7i 47
7 ..b 47 i
. 4 wkz
, .. R E M O R S E ..
, W E L C O M E T O R E M O R S E 3 9 T H RELEASE!
I would just like to greet our newest members who joined us
this month! Vap0r, Polygon, Antik and Noches! We are happy
. to have you guys with us! .
, Wackie. ,
Ancients: Necromancer, Whodini.
, Kings: Arrogance aCk, Pariah.
. Pimps: Crash, Wackie, Volatile , Tzeentch.
. Slaves: Aesthetic, AXB, Brane, Computer Man, Drax, Erupt, Killa Hertz,
Miasma, Mj0lnir, Mukumdi, Noches, Poskgubbe, Prosthesis, Talo, The
, Messiah, The Upright Man, Triplogic, Two11Two, Vap0r, Empty, Antik.
Strangers: Enigmatic, Fahrenheit, Hiro Protagonist, Kaleidas, Megga
. Hertz, Mr. Kite, Necronite, Omicorn, Spinsane, Terminator 2, tinyz,
, Wind Rider. ,
Wackie, Remorse 1981!
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