this image contains text
, a aa aa aa a aa a aa aa aa a aa a @ @ @ aa aa aaaaaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaa aaaaCN!aaaa BBS NAME FUCK!!MAIN FUCKING MENUASCII BY CAIN OF SAND! PRODUCTIONS 1996!? xcommand xcommand xcommand
xcommand xcommand xcommand
xcommand xcommand xcommand
xcommand xcommand xcommand
xcommand xcommand xcommand
xcommand xcommand xcommand
xcommand xcommand xcommand
xcommand xcommand xcommand
xcommand xcommand xcommand
I am getting pretty fuckin good at this fuckin template shit eh?.. fuckin right
I am.. anyways.. feel free to use this shit.. but if i see it, and my name aint
on it.. then ill come to your house and fuckin kill you, and you fuckin comput
er.. so, until then!
xcommand xcommand xcommand
xcommand xcommand xcommand
xcommand xcommand xcommand
xcommand xcommand xcommand
xcommand xcommand xcommand
xcommand xcommand xcommand
xcommand xcommand xcommand
xcommand xcommand xcommand
I am getting pretty fuckin good at this fuckin template shit eh?.. fuckin right
I am.. anyways.. feel free to use this shit.. but if i see it, and my name aint
on it.. then ill come to your house and fuckin kill you, and you fuckin comput
er.. so, until then!
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