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S l i v e r
Spawn 4, Page 9
As the ages toll and pass, B
ut the King, lets the all stand,
Humans stare into an ethereal glass. Th
e people stand as one, as a band.
Inside this Kingdom old, The
Kingdom prospers, and grows,
Lives an adventure untold. For
awhile, the Shadow slows.
The humans wonder blindly, And
so the mortals live in peace,
And yet the king treats them kindly. Th
e plots and wars come to a cease.
They wander in stupidity, The
Shadow rules mens hearts no more,And s
o he teaches them humility. The King
dom has won the score.
Whatever they may ask, But
yet the Shadow still lives,
He grants to them as a task. In so
me minds it still deceives.
Wonder leads them to the next dawn, In
certain men it still thrives,
But some manuever like a pawn. An
d so the Shadow still survives.
Some rise above the power of mortal men, B
ut the true men still prosper,
Some demise in the Shadows den. Th
ey live without the Shadows roster.Th
e ages, come and pass, And s
o the Kingdom advances,
Mens fortuen shudder like a glass. Kn
ights ride worth with golden lances.
As wars wage, and plots uprise, Bu
t the king still knows,
The kingdom stands infront of its demise. T
hat the Shadow strikes blows.
Mens stupidity, touches the Kingdom, not, A
nd so the king still believes,
The people pile and pile, as if to clot. T
hat the Eternal Shadow, Lives. . .
K i n g d o m i n S h a d o
A Kingdom in Need of Something Higher Than a Kin
The Kingdom in Shadow +1-410-TMP-DOWN NU
P: Cindy
New User Voting Strictly Enforced No d00dZ All
All Bauds Allowed, For Now Sysop: The High Kin
Archaic Electronic Magazine WHQ Leprican BBS Softwa
re WHQ
Sliver Trial HQ/Senior Member Board Depending on Weath
Crisis Distribution Site Artists of Chaos Distribut
ion Site
Other Junk
Running Latest Leprican 0-10 Day War
Supporting Art Supporting H/P/V/C/A/C
Programming/BBS Support Traders, Artists,
Programmers, ALL Welcome.
ANSi Credits / Greets
Ansi by The High King Font by The High Kin
Literature by The High King Everything by The High Ki
Ok ok, Ill stop bragging : Aint I modest?
Greets to: Kid Frost, C-H-I-L-L man :
Outback, Trial Member? You Loco or somethin
Shurato, Catchya on CE, sometime
Reaper Wildwood, thanks for da tip :
Dark Sword, *nice* ansi!
Spawn 4, Page 9
As the ages toll and pass, B
ut the King, lets the all stand,
Humans stare into an ethereal glass. Th
e people stand as one, as a band.
Inside this Kingdom old, The
Kingdom prospers, and grows,
Lives an adventure untold. For
awhile, the Shadow slows.
The humans wonder blindly, And
so the mortals live in peace,
And yet the king treats them kindly. Th
e plots and wars come to a cease.
They wander in stupidity, The
Shadow rules mens hearts no more,And s
o he teaches them humility. The King
dom has won the score.
Whatever they may ask, But
yet the Shadow still lives,
He grants to them as a task. In so
me minds it still deceives.
Wonder leads them to the next dawn, In
certain men it still thrives,
But some manuever like a pawn. An
d so the Shadow still survives.
Some rise above the power of mortal men, B
ut the true men still prosper,
Some demise in the Shadows den. Th
ey live without the Shadows roster.Th
e ages, come and pass, And s
o the Kingdom advances,
Mens fortuen shudder like a glass. Kn
ights ride worth with golden lances.
As wars wage, and plots uprise, Bu
t the king still knows,
The kingdom stands infront of its demise. T
hat the Shadow strikes blows.
Mens stupidity, touches the Kingdom, not, A
nd so the king still believes,
The people pile and pile, as if to clot. T
hat the Eternal Shadow, Lives. . .
K i n g d o m i n S h a d o
A Kingdom in Need of Something Higher Than a Kin
The Kingdom in Shadow +1-410-TMP-DOWN NU
P: Cindy
New User Voting Strictly Enforced No d00dZ All
All Bauds Allowed, For Now Sysop: The High Kin
Archaic Electronic Magazine WHQ Leprican BBS Softwa
re WHQ
Sliver Trial HQ/Senior Member Board Depending on Weath
Crisis Distribution Site Artists of Chaos Distribut
ion Site
Other Junk
Running Latest Leprican 0-10 Day War
Supporting Art Supporting H/P/V/C/A/C
Programming/BBS Support Traders, Artists,
Programmers, ALL Welcome.
ANSi Credits / Greets
Ansi by The High King Font by The High Kin
Literature by The High King Everything by The High Ki
Ok ok, Ill stop bragging : Aint I modest?
Greets to: Kid Frost, C-H-I-L-L man :
Outback, Trial Member? You Loco or somethin
Shurato, Catchya on CE, sometime
Reaper Wildwood, thanks for da tip :
Dark Sword, *nice* ansi!
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