this image contains text
., 4 Only one who can learn the
3 ,dc , process of nescience and t
, , hat of transcendental know
8 ,ee e ledge side by side can tra
ee4 e e nscend the influence of re
e e 3 eee, peated birth and death and
e, e e e e e3e, 3 enjoy the full blessing of
3e , , , e immortality those who ar
e . , e engaged in the worship o
, ,e 4e, f demigods enter in the da
,e43e 88 d9 rkest region of ignorance,
8 8 e , and still more so do the w
-shade , orshipers of the impersona
l absolute..... ... d9 out
3 ,dc , process of nescience and t
, , hat of transcendental know
8 ,ee e ledge side by side can tra
ee4 e e nscend the influence of re
e e 3 eee, peated birth and death and
e, e e e e e3e, 3 enjoy the full blessing of
3e , , , e immortality those who ar
e . , e engaged in the worship o
, ,e 4e, f demigods enter in the da
,e43e 88 d9 rkest region of ignorance,
8 8 e , and still more so do the w
-shade , orshipers of the impersona
l absolute..... ... d9 out
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