this image contains text
here is a set of simple ami -x style menu templates fer use with pcb i
suppose. it was originally done for a board but if you want to use them
then go ahead, edit them if you need too. if you want you very own set
then please contact me. -wOJ greets to flick for the color scheme.
-main board template
: ::. :oO:. :
-mAIN ::::::::::wOJ
-conference template
-cONF ::::::::::wOJ
-doors menu template
-dOORS ::::::::::wOJ
-news/bullitens menu template
-nEWS ::::::::::wOJ
here is a set of simple ami -x style menu templates fer use with pcb i
suppose. it was originally done for a board but if you want to use them
then go ahead, edit them if you need too. if you want you very own set
then please contact me. -wOJ greets to flick for the color scheme.
-main board template
: ::. :oO:. :
-mAIN ::::::::::wOJ
-conference template
-cONF ::::::::::wOJ
-doors menu template
-dOORS ::::::::::wOJ
-news/bullitens menu template
-nEWS ::::::::::wOJ
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