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wOJ presents another spiffy peice. greets
go out tew ep,flax,flick,pinz,hiro,kxmode.
want an ansi? then catch me on the IRC!
t h e p s y c h o t i c b o a r d
awpz: flax and jabahwocky - running two nodes on fire running an absoloute sick pcb setup - maximised to perfection sick australian productions world headquater system carrying a huge pee cee bee filebase and art running all speeds up to 14.4k - +61-3-9571-7456 wOJ s i c k p r o d s n i n e t y f i v e
go out tew ep,flax,flick,pinz,hiro,kxmode.
want an ansi? then catch me on the IRC!
t h e p s y c h o t i c b o a r d
awpz: flax and jabahwocky - running two nodes on fire running an absoloute sick pcb setup - maximised to perfection sick australian productions world headquater system carrying a huge pee cee bee filebase and art running all speeds up to 14.4k - +61-3-9571-7456 wOJ s i c k p r o d s n i n e t y f i v e
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