this image contains text
h o m e r
o f
p r e s e n t s
uh you figure the color stuff down here..
homer of skism
drew this lil
yeah like here is some
shitty font
my bbs setup, nitrous acid. i was
gonna run this board, but go
t sick of it.
it is a kick ass reneg
ade setup however.
so what i decided to is .ZIP it u
p. its
u o
now available to
whomever wants to run itro
pz ..
. so say you wanna run a bbs and don
t know
how to setup and all that. well t
his is
ready to go for ya. just contact me, homer
on skism WHQ South of Heaven, or On
uid Papers Compu-hell, if you dont
know the , find out damm
it and get ahold
nitrous acid bbs
of me via email, and we will talk....
nice modded renegade 10-05
no specs, we dont know yet damnit
opd by the clever john doe . running rg 10-05
v i r t u a l i n s a n i t
an up and coming impulse 6.5 bbs, opd by iron
man homer, art h/p/a adult
olsk00! font/logo scheme by
homer c of skism 1997 production
bringin back dUh 0ld sk00 wIth a nEW
fLAv0R n dUh 97
--+cut here------------------------
greetz uhmmm yeah formaldehyde good luck re
viving one, ill be waiting to
see the new pack!, number 9 yo sup nigguh, youre cool.
.. kept me alive in
skism, liquid paper yo, the board is looking NICE!, heh
keep it up, hope-
fully when kobb goes to college SOH isnt up anymore yo
u will be the new
WHQ, compu-hell rocks, shots out to: terrorist, john doe
get back from
india and put your bbs up!, and the rest of the skism cr
people on my shitlist
hehehe, ive never seen this done so here goes... ok nu
mber one on my shit-
list is definately Big Bird. this dude is some richboy p
uss from glen ellen
i want to beat him so bad, but its like tough to get a r
ide there.
uhmm id say his friend troll, but lately troll has been
cleaning his act
up with me so its ok. uhmm kobb, well we had our disagre
ements and you were
quick in reaction time to let me go from skism, i dont
like that. but
oh well shit happens. heh, imagine this, the best ansi d
00d in the group
and the leader is taking big birds side my worst enemy
and like trying
to get rid of me... heh not cool. if it wasnt for 9, i
d be gone.
uhmm, thats about it.
so to all you dickheads out there that have a problem wi
th me, i send a big
FUCK YOU out to all of you. you can suck my dick you mut
herfuckers. You
know, you people are lucky this like isnt school or som
ething or like somethingwere we all came face to face
, id beat the shit out of most of you.
uh sorry so violent peoples, you gotta understand i real
ly hate some of these
fuck you dickheads!
middle finger
o f
p r e s e n t s
uh you figure the color stuff down here..
homer of skism
drew this lil
yeah like here is some
shitty font
my bbs setup, nitrous acid. i was
gonna run this board, but go
t sick of it.
it is a kick ass reneg
ade setup however.
so what i decided to is .ZIP it u
p. its
u o
now available to
whomever wants to run itro
pz ..
. so say you wanna run a bbs and don
t know
how to setup and all that. well t
his is
ready to go for ya. just contact me, homer
on skism WHQ South of Heaven, or On
uid Papers Compu-hell, if you dont
know the , find out damm
it and get ahold
nitrous acid bbs
of me via email, and we will talk....
nice modded renegade 10-05
no specs, we dont know yet damnit
opd by the clever john doe . running rg 10-05
v i r t u a l i n s a n i t
an up and coming impulse 6.5 bbs, opd by iron
man homer, art h/p/a adult
olsk00! font/logo scheme by
homer c of skism 1997 production
bringin back dUh 0ld sk00 wIth a nEW
fLAv0R n dUh 97
--+cut here------------------------
greetz uhmmm yeah formaldehyde good luck re
viving one, ill be waiting to
see the new pack!, number 9 yo sup nigguh, youre cool.
.. kept me alive in
skism, liquid paper yo, the board is looking NICE!, heh
keep it up, hope-
fully when kobb goes to college SOH isnt up anymore yo
u will be the new
WHQ, compu-hell rocks, shots out to: terrorist, john doe
get back from
india and put your bbs up!, and the rest of the skism cr
people on my shitlist
hehehe, ive never seen this done so here goes... ok nu
mber one on my shit-
list is definately Big Bird. this dude is some richboy p
uss from glen ellen
i want to beat him so bad, but its like tough to get a r
ide there.
uhmm id say his friend troll, but lately troll has been
cleaning his act
up with me so its ok. uhmm kobb, well we had our disagre
ements and you were
quick in reaction time to let me go from skism, i dont
like that. but
oh well shit happens. heh, imagine this, the best ansi d
00d in the group
and the leader is taking big birds side my worst enemy
and like trying
to get rid of me... heh not cool. if it wasnt for 9, i
d be gone.
uhmm, thats about it.
so to all you dickheads out there that have a problem wi
th me, i send a big
FUCK YOU out to all of you. you can suck my dick you mut
herfuckers. You
know, you people are lucky this like isnt school or som
ething or like somethingwere we all came face to face
, id beat the shit out of most of you.
uh sorry so violent peoples, you gotta understand i real
ly hate some of these
fuck you dickheads!
middle finger
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