this image contains text
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m e m b e r s
l e a d e r s
founder . . . . . . . the wizard
president . . . . . . the wizard
co president . . . . pale
senior member . . . . rusty
senior member . . . . shadowhawk
global coordinator . cryptic blood
vga coordinator . . . black death
a r t i s t s
corruption jay dee tyme
dairy product kerplunk young
omega red pale zoltar
rusty stain krieg
shadowhand eoijin pinky
torment sniper black death
bunky walker boh the wizard
t e l e c o m
xX. .giant iguana. .Xx
c o u r i e r s
xX. .stigmata. .Xx xX. .iczer-1. .Xx
m e m b e r s
xX. .julian. .Xx xX. .napalm death. .Xx
xX. .midnight marauder. .Xx xX. .righteous. .Xx
xX. .quivalen. .Xx xX. .infinity. .Xx
Xx. .gravedigger. .Xx xX. .kermur. .Xx
Xx. .big 88. .Xx
c o d e r s
xX. .og!. .Xx xX. .joe mama. .Xx xX. .marek. .Xx
m a s c o t
.pOop! xX maestro Xx yIp!.
spastic 1st official mascot
h o n o r a b l e m e n t i o n s
this month spastic would like to honor one of its
new members for his great contribution to spastic!
cryptic blood . . . global coordinator
d i s t r o b u t i o n s i t e s
psycotic rebellion world headquarters
sarcastic toaster canadian hq
eden united states hq
point omega galactic hq
cybergenesis underground hq
the shameless anarchy eastern hq
exodus member board
ambrosia member board
fire on ice member board
paradise lost member board
soundhenge member board
the mourning after 2 distro site
virtual reality distro site
new world order distro site
prophecy distro site
contact the wizard if you have any questions about this list
as of 0 8 / 0 5 / 1 9 9 5
m e m b e r l i s t i n g d e s i g n e d b y
p a l e
a n d
c o m p i l e d b y
t h e w i z a r d
m e m b e r s
l e a d e r s
founder . . . . . . . the wizard
president . . . . . . the wizard
co president . . . . pale
senior member . . . . rusty
senior member . . . . shadowhawk
global coordinator . cryptic blood
vga coordinator . . . black death
a r t i s t s
corruption jay dee tyme
dairy product kerplunk young
omega red pale zoltar
rusty stain krieg
shadowhand eoijin pinky
torment sniper black death
bunky walker boh the wizard
t e l e c o m
xX. .giant iguana. .Xx
c o u r i e r s
xX. .stigmata. .Xx xX. .iczer-1. .Xx
m e m b e r s
xX. .julian. .Xx xX. .napalm death. .Xx
xX. .midnight marauder. .Xx xX. .righteous. .Xx
xX. .quivalen. .Xx xX. .infinity. .Xx
Xx. .gravedigger. .Xx xX. .kermur. .Xx
Xx. .big 88. .Xx
c o d e r s
xX. .og!. .Xx xX. .joe mama. .Xx xX. .marek. .Xx
m a s c o t
.pOop! xX maestro Xx yIp!.
spastic 1st official mascot
h o n o r a b l e m e n t i o n s
this month spastic would like to honor one of its
new members for his great contribution to spastic!
cryptic blood . . . global coordinator
d i s t r o b u t i o n s i t e s
psycotic rebellion world headquarters
sarcastic toaster canadian hq
eden united states hq
point omega galactic hq
cybergenesis underground hq
the shameless anarchy eastern hq
exodus member board
ambrosia member board
fire on ice member board
paradise lost member board
soundhenge member board
the mourning after 2 distro site
virtual reality distro site
new world order distro site
prophecy distro site
contact the wizard if you have any questions about this list
as of 0 8 / 0 5 / 1 9 9 5
m e m b e r l i s t i n g d e s i g n e d b y
p a l e
a n d
c o m p i l e d b y
t h e w i z a r d
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