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heauxm uvv / /h
The ancient Egyptian legend
SoMeF I will have no laws. I of the phoenix, an enchanted
RooDY will acknowledge none. bird of gorgeous plumage, des-
QuoTe I protest against every cribes a bizarre life cycle:
SFoRY law which an authority the bird would spontaneously
ouRRe calling itself neces- combust after each life span
aDiNG sary imposes upon my of roughly 500 years. Then it
eNJoY free will. would be reborn from its own
MeNT P-J.P ashes, more radiant than
ever before.
Fire! Space Madness was
Fire! just a little too
Fire! uptight.
Beavis Hotel California
was just a little
too mellow.
Now I have found the
happy medium and
ironically, it
was in the des-
truction of two
major projects
where I finally
realized that
sometimes the
best way to
build on some-
thing is to burn
it down.
PyroGenesis is a
unique experi-
ence. Give it a
try, and you may
9o9 86o-o519 just discover
1200-14400bps/V.32bis that you are a
/HST 24hours-7days true pyromaniac
RunningHermesv3.2.1 at heart.
The ancient Egyptian legend
SoMeF I will have no laws. I of the phoenix, an enchanted
RooDY will acknowledge none. bird of gorgeous plumage, des-
QuoTe I protest against every cribes a bizarre life cycle:
SFoRY law which an authority the bird would spontaneously
ouRRe calling itself neces- combust after each life span
aDiNG sary imposes upon my of roughly 500 years. Then it
eNJoY free will. would be reborn from its own
MeNT P-J.P ashes, more radiant than
ever before.
Fire! Space Madness was
Fire! just a little too
Fire! uptight.
Beavis Hotel California
was just a little
too mellow.
Now I have found the
happy medium and
ironically, it
was in the des-
truction of two
major projects
where I finally
realized that
sometimes the
best way to
build on some-
thing is to burn
it down.
PyroGenesis is a
unique experi-
ence. Give it a
try, and you may
9o9 86o-o519 just discover
1200-14400bps/V.32bis that you are a
/HST 24hours-7days true pyromaniac
RunningHermesv3.2.1 at heart.
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