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nAsid e p y H A
The Abyss
. You used to enjoy it, .
When other men would bleed.
You used to take pleasure,
In watching victems plead.
You beg for forgiveness,
But I am not benign.
Theres nothing you can do,
Your empty soul is mine.
You scream out in anguish,
But noone will listen.
Trapped like this forever,
Your eyes start to glisten.
Such is the way of life,
Nothing has gone amiss.
Youre just another soul,
Enslaved in the Abyss.
The Abyss
. You used to enjoy it, .
When other men would bleed.
You used to take pleasure,
In watching victems plead.
You beg for forgiveness,
But I am not benign.
Theres nothing you can do,
Your empty soul is mine.
You scream out in anguish,
But noone will listen.
Trapped like this forever,
Your eyes start to glisten.
Such is the way of life,
Nothing has gone amiss.
Youre just another soul,
Enslaved in the Abyss.
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